This page is the social media extension of my website The Rapid List Building System that helps people to start their own online business sucessfully
The way to generate FREE Leads for you is to introduce others in the Home Based Business Industry to sign up for their OWN Free Lead System Forever. The new person becomes a Quality Lead because that person meets 2 very key criteria as follows to make them a great prospect for your business.
1) They are already in a home based business (you don't need to convince them it makes sense to be involved in a home based business).
2) They are someone looking to grow their home based business (many unfortunately aren't, so the fact that they are signing up for their own Free Lead System Forever tells you they are looking to grow their business).
A study has shown that approximately 75% of people in the home based business industry will CHANGE companies on average every 4 months! This means, when you stay in touch with your leads, and create value for them, you have a good chance that they will switch to YOUR company at some point.
We provide many tools and training to help you put your website address in front of others. Put your mouse on "Promotional Tools" (near the top of every page in this Admin Area) to find a list of many ways to advertise your website. As well, the "Training" button provides tips to help you generate leads.
WARNING - IF you are not a Premium Member, then every other lead generated will be passed up to the person who introduced you to the Free Lead System Forever!
How and where do I advertise?
Just click on 'Promotional Tools' and the 'Training' tabs located along the top of this site.
How do I get FREE leads?
As a free member, every other lead you generate rolls to your referrer. That lead is exclusively theirs. However, for all of your leads that don't roll up, you'll be receiving every other lead from them.
For example: You give away 10 free lead systems. (5 of those leads roll up, and 5 stay with you).
You would now be receiving every other lead from those 5. Those 5 can turn into 25, then 50. Before you know it, you could have hundreds of FREE leads rolling to you every day... and it all starts by you giving away just ONE free system.
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facebook.comHow To Capture Leads on Websites You Don’t Own | _SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez_ | Ricardo Penders CEO If you're an #affiliate #marketer you must use a system to capture #leads on the sites you're sharing with your #audience or you'll lose a lot of money to the #vendor because they will get their leads from your #traffic and keep selling stuff to your audience.... So start using this #marketingstrategy you can read on my blog together with Therapidlistbuildingsystem and I'm sure that you'll have everything you need to get results and be successful online...
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Sign up here and get your free download to help you with your marketing efforts instantly >> << I'm helping out a friend with his marketing because he's just divorced and his ex-wife robbed him almost everything so I created a new landing page for him on my own system and you'll get the followup email from myself to give you the #bonus download for free... I will then email your sign up to him so that he can email you personally and take over from that point on. You can earn up to 75% #commission with this program and the best part of it is that you can wear the #jewels yourself and show off how you #makeyourmoneyonline and at the same time you dress well. Sign up here and get your free download to help you with your #marketing efforts instantly >> <<
How To Capture Leads on Websites You Don’t Own_SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez_ | Ricardo Penders CEO | _SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez_ | Ricardo Penders CEO
Learn How To Capture #Leads on Websites You Don't own such as your #affiliate products you normally promote via ClickBank, JVZoo, #CJ and on other networks... The problem you normally have if you promote via #JVZoo or #ClickBank is that you don't have a way to #GenerateLeads on the pages you promote and that's a major loss for your business... The #solution for this problem is to use #TheRapidListBuildingSystem with the special feature called #FloatingCapturePageSimulator There are just a few simple steps you need to follow as I explain in my blog post at:
_SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez_ | Blog Archive | _SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez_ | Ricardo Penders CEO
ATTENTION #Worldprofit: #PreBuiltSiteSale - Includes Lifetime Upgraded #Memberships in Worldprofit's Top 12 #TrafficGeneration #Webites! "Turn Key READY MADE Package YourSmartStartBiz[DOT]com is a Prebuilt Silver Website and Lifetime Membership Package!" We have ONE Fully Pre Built Package which includes 100 Associate Members UNDER YOU and 100 Exclusive Leads (You download as needed to your member area FRESH). Pay attention because there's more. You also get Worldprofit's #AmazonStoreBuilder, #ClickbankStore Ready, Built in Site #Blog, 9 fully installed and ready to sell #SalesFunnels. Everything folks! NEW 22nd Birthday #BONUS ONLY in July >> Now includes 2,000 subscribers on YOUR OWN newsletter list PLUS 100 #Exclusive #Leads!
Here's an incredible #eBook #GiveAway for #NetworkMarketers and #Entrepreneurs that will help you to get the most out of your #InternetMarketing efforts and #Convert more people into #Sales from the same traffic you already get... It's also a big money saver if you learn to do things yourself... You'll get access to the best 8 eBooks in my collection totally for free, the only thing I want in return is your email address to be able to contact you in the future. So get your downloads now!
Here's a list of all the pages and groups that I own here on Facebook and Google+... I get this question many times that you can't see what belongs to myself and therefore I've made this little list for you to make it easy for you to find it. My Facebook Profile Page: - #profile My Facebook Business Page: - #business My First Facebook Group for Entrepreneurs & Coaches: - #entrepreneurs #coaches My Second Facebook Group for internet marketers who want to target the Euro-Zone: - #eurozonemarketing #viralmarketing My Pro Blog Mastermind Page: - #problogmastermind #blogger #blog #mastermind My DB_warez Cosmetics Page: - #cosmetics #health #bodycare The Rapid List Building System Page: - #therapidlistbuildingsystem SourceWave Market Place to Buy and Sell your SEO Services: - #sourcewavemarket #sourcemarket #seo Wealthy Internet Marketing Page: - #WealthyBusinessCenter Because it's also important for you to know where my Google+ Profiles, Pages & Communities are located I've listed those below... Google+ Personal Profile. - #GoogleProfile #RicardoPenders Google+ Business Page #1. - #GoogleBusinessPage1 #soharddbwarez - #GoogleBusinessPage2 #WealthyInternetMarketing Google+ Public Community for YOUR ADS & QUESTIONS #1. SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez - #soharddbwarezcommunity Google+ Community #2 SoHarD_dB_w@®Ez Inner Circle. - #innercirclecommunity My latest expansion on Google+ using the NEW #Feature - #GoogleCollection Last but not least check out my #website #homepage with my recent #blogposts -
How To Make $1000 A Day At 15 Years Old (Or Beginner)
Therapidlistbuildingsystem If you need targeted traffic that converts you need to watch this little video here: This is just one of the tools that you can use with a Worldprofit Silver Membership... F*R*E*E members though have the same live coaches available 24 hours per day 7 days per week, check out the live coach on my website using this link here: if you click on the link "See Us Live" you'll see the live coach in the middle of the page and if you want to talk to him or her directly just fill in the form below the video and chat stream to see the chat box... If you write your question in the chatbox, they will answer you via the video and audio that you are looking at, simple as that. For a #Worldprofit #Associates Account which is free BTW you can get that on my website at plus 30,000 free solo ads at:
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Get The Accelerated Email List Building Program NOW! it's FREE... http://THERAPIDLISTBUILDINGSYSTEM.COM
_SoHarD_dB_w@(R)Ez_ on Twitter
Visit my business page on Twitter... If you want to send me a question use the hashtag #soharddbwarez to get on my high priority list and make sure I read your message