Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam
De visu melius quam de auditu gaudere PINSA'S – PIZZA’S SCHOOL is a project that was developed by a mother and her son. They both studied at the same professional-level school in Rome and earned professional pizza-making certificates. The mother later specialized in confectionary and ice cream making, while her son chose to leave his profession as a lawyer cultivating his culinary passion and specializing in haute cuisine. His studies were adapted and applied to pizza-making further exalting this element, which is already rich in history and appeal.
This new aspect will provide a pleasant surprise for many. At our locale, it will be possible to taste traditional pizza with special pairings or even dessert pizzas offering new sensations.
Our business does not stop here. This establishment is also a professional pizza-making school (recommended for restaurateurs and new business owners), where pizza-making will be taught with traditional and innovative methods.
There will also be amateur courses where it will be possible to watch as pizza and homemade pasta are prepared.
PINSA'S – PIZZA’S SCHOOL constantly searches out harmony, quality and balance for a style that is simple yet always refined.
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Wij zijn 24-25-26-27 en 31 december gesloten. ( wij zijn open 28-29-30) Prettig kerstfeest, en een gelukkig nieuwjaar! -- We are closed 24-25-26-27 and 31 December. (We are open 28-29-30) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2016 12 10 Pizza Workshop
Amsterdam Wine Festival
GASHOUDER OMGETOVERD TOT WIJN-WALHALLA Wijnliefhebbers opgelet! Eind maart vindt de eerste editie van Amsterdam Wine Festival plaats. Het festival voor en door mensen met passie voor wijn, ter ere van de wijnoogst op het zuidelijk halfrond. De imposante Gashouder op de Westergasfabriek wordt van vrijdag 24 t/m zondag 26 maart omgetoverd tot een waar wijn-walhalla. Hier geniet je van al het goede in het leven: wijn, wijn en nog eens wijn! Kom oneindig veel soorten proeven en dompel je onder in de oogstfeesten van het zuidelijk halfrond, waar de boeren vieren dat de druiven veilig zijn binnengehaald en het proces van wijn maken kan beginnen. Laat je meenemen op een reis langs populaire wijnlanden als Zuid-Afrika, Argentinië en Australië of proef een exotische variant uit bijvoorbeeld Tanzania. De wijnprofessionals komen speciaal naar Amsterdam om hun liefde voor wijn te delen en de mooiste verhalen te vertellen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de wijnen nog beter smaken! Geniet van wijn-spijs combinaties die de sommeliers en chef’s speciaal voor dit festival samenstellen. Probeer Zuid-Afrikaanse braai, Argentijnse ceviche, Nieuw-Zeelandse Fruits de Mer of kangoeroevlees uit Australië. Natuurlijk is er ook genoeg entertainment. Tot in de late uurtjes kun je genieten van live-optredens en wereldse muziek van onze AWF DJ’s. Het is tenslotte feest! De voorverkoop gaat op 1 december om 12:00 uur van start en een ticket kost € 12,- (ex fee). Bestel je ticket hier online of op
Photos from Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam's post
NEXT Pizza workshop: learning how to make Pizza! WHEN: Saturday, December 10, 2016 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM Info: With the pizzaiolo, you’ll make your very own pizza, you’ll stretch it, sauce it, bake it, slice it. It will be the best pizza you ever tasted, and you made it yourself!
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NEXT workshop: staying warm with Italian Soups Can a big 'ole pot of homemade soup ever get any better? Well, soups specifically from Italy sure are healthy, tasty and delicious! Attend this class for soup-making basics and then putting those skills to good use by creating many Italian-inspired classic soups. Info:
Photos from Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam's post
NEXT Pizza workshop: how to make a round, crispy Pizza (advanced amateur course). Pizza can be as simple or as difficult as you'd like it to be, in this class we teach you the universal rules that anyone who makes pizza should follow. 1. learn to use a scale 2. learn how to use the metric system and baker's percentages 3. choose the right flour for your pizza 4. learn the right recipies for crispy pizza 5. tips on stretching, topping, and baking your dough Duration: 4 hours (all cooking classes are conducted in English) When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 - 10:15 AM to 2:15 PM Teacher: advanced certificate of professional pizza maker by Pizza University, 11 in pizzaiolo the world in 2013, Topper IENS 2012/13/14/15, 1° Italian Pizzeria in Nederland 2012/13/14 Info:
2016 10 01 Amateur Pizza Course (all photos)
Photos from Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam's post
NEXT Pizza workshop: learning how to make Pizza! WHEN: Saturday, October 1, 2016 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM Info: With the pizzaiolo, you’ll make your very own pizza, you’ll stretch it, sauce it, bake it, slice it. It will be the best pizza you ever tasted, and you made it yourself!
2016 09 17 Workshop: learning how to make Fresh Ravioli
Photos from Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam's post
Pasta workshop: learning how to make Fresh Ravioli! When: Saturday, September 17, 2016 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM Info: Learn to make your own Ravioli from scratch in this 2 hour lesson. You will begin the lesson by preparing two different pasta doughs. Once the pastry dough is made you will prepare 2 ravioli fillings and cook ravioli sauce. In this Cooking Class you will learn to make your own fresh plain ravioli, coloured ravioli; we will teach you to serve which sauces are best teamed with different ravioli.
Photos from Pinsa's - Pizza's and Pasta School in Amsterdam's post
NEXT Pizza workshop: learning how to make Pizza! Make pizza in oven with our pizza chef, called a pizzaiolo. During our 2-hour private class, you’ll learn how to make tender, flexible yeast dough that stretches to almost paper-thinness, even the trick for a flavorful yet light tomato sauce. Even if you bake pizza in your own oven, these techniques are universal and using them really makes a difference. When: Saturday, July 16, 2016 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM Where: Pinsa's - Italian Cooking School Spaarndammerstraat 772, Amsterdam Info: