Art of Colors
Makeup Artist School | Visagie opleiding | Make-up masterclasses | Studiowerk
Art of Colors is een Makeup Artist School waar je de vakopleiding visagie kunt volgen die opleidt voor het Landelijk Erkend diploma Visagie afgenomen door het Kwaliteitscentrum, partner van de ANBOS.
De opleidingen worden gegeven in :
- Amsterdam (
- Hoorn (
In Hoorn hebben we een studio voor make-up, styling & kleurenanalyse adviezen en workshops (
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facebook.comMEET Art of Colors talented teacher ✨Monique Visscher✨ •MakeUp by @moniquevisscher •HairStyling by @sarotomi •Photography by @richardmonsieurs •Model @modelsrockagency Danae #artofcolors #makeup #makeupartistschool #bestteam #beauty #maccosmetics #teacher #makeupyourbusiness #talent #
Yesterday fashion shoots for students at Studio 13 in collaboration with Another Academy. Amazing team. Proud of our students. You worked really hard 🔥💄 · · @patricia_giesbers @kimvanderploeg @cindyylorraine @sammyterra Julie de Kroon @anischa_mua @ilaria_bonifacio @xxlaaura @brigittadanayy Jeanette Glauer @kirstenstarink @anoukmaatx @rasikabagde @sanne_grozema @visagie_vampsanddolls @rieva_schiffers @hilinbeauty @roosmxx @studio_pimvanbaalen #photoshoot #photography #fashion #styling #model #beautyshoot #stylingacademy #anotheracademy #teamwork #creative #artofcolorsmakeupartist #makeupartist #hairstyling #mac #makeup #maccosmetics #makeupartistschool #artofcolors
MEET Art of Colors talented teacher ✨Elke Willemen ✨ •MakeUp by @elkewillemen •HairStyling by @monique_veronica_ •Photography by @richardmonsieurs •Model Abeni @bmmodelmanagement #makeup #photoshoot #pictureoftheday #colorful #freework #makeupartistschool #artofcolors #bestteam #beauty #artofcolorsteacher #makeupyourbusiness #talent
Be Creative 🌈 Be Commercial 🎨 Show your skills 💥 Portfolio shoots Book NOW!! for more details • • • #makeupartist #portfolio #vrijwerk #booknow #makeupyourbusiness #showyourskills #makeupartistschool #artofcolors
MEET Art of Colors talented teacher ✨Lisette Jutmann ✨ •MakeUp by @lisettejuttmann •HairStyling by @monique_veronica_ •Photography by @richardmonsieurs •Model Céline @bmmodelmanagement #maccosmetics #makeup #makeupartistschool #artofcolors #bestteam #beauty #artofcolorsteacher #makeupyourbusiness #talent
The WINNER of the Trend event challenge AW17😱 Roxanne Ybema JansenCONGRATULATIONS 🎉 Thanks for all the beautiful looks we received🙏🏻 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Art of Colors makeup artist school Amsterdam MAC Cosmetics #trendevent #artofcolorsaw2017 #winner #challenge #wonderful #looks #makeup #creative #maccosmetics #artofcolors #goodiebag #fashion #backstage #artofcolorsmakeupartistschool #amsterdam
LOVE HALLOWEEN LOOK MAKEUP ART TEACHER Marloes Bovelander ・・・#Repost HAPPY HALLOWEEN #hoeleuk #mijneigendochter @lunabovelander ❤️#proudmom #halloween #skull #mua #makeupbyme 👻💀
Makeup your Business? Bezoek vrijblijvend de open dag van de vakopleiding Visagie op onze locatie aan de Singel 432 in Amsterdam. Tijdens de open dag kun je de locatie bezichtigen, informatie krijgen over de aangeboden opleidingen, kennis maken met onze docenten, deelnemers spreken en demonstraties, make-up en lesmaterialen bekijken. Meer info & startdata
MEET Art of Colors talented teacher ✨Marloes Bovelander✨ •MakeUp by Marloes Bovelander •HairStyling @marloesbovelander Photography by Richard Monsieurs •Model ModelsRockAgency Gianna •@artofcolors #makeup #makeupartistschool #bestteam #beauty #maccosmetics #teacher #makeupyourbusiness #talent #colors
TOPTEAM! Love this creative makeup artists Art of Colors · Judith Sijbers Flavio Miguel Lisette Juttmann Liza Van Stiphout Muah Elke Willemen Samantha de Haas-Baggerman Marloes Bovelander Monique Visscher Jedidjah Kuijten (not on picture) Judith Doodeman & Lydia Thann · #learningfromthebest #teacher #learningisfun #creative #teachersday #professionalmakeupartistcourse #maccosmetics #makeupartistschool #artofcolors #hoorn #amsterdam
HALLOWEEN looks by students and former students at @artofcolors · · · Sterre Wielhouwer Layla van Rossum Pilla Wielhouwer Nina Shikako #holloween #halloweenmakeup #hallowbeauty17 #pumpkin #hanzoween #halloween2017 #dayofthedead #sacredgeometry #pictureoftheday #facepaint #facepainting #amazing #maccosmetics #smashboxcosmetics #anastasiabeverlyhills #nyxcosmetics #kryolan #makeupartistschool #artofcolors #hoorn #amsterdam
MEET Art of Colors talented teacher✨Lydia Thann✨ •MakeUp by Lydia Thann •HairStyling by Lydia Thann •Photography by Richard Monsieurs •Model ModelsRockAgency Amber #artofcolors #makeup #makeupartistschool #bestteam #beauty #maccosmetics #teacher #makeupyourbusiness #talent