Cryotherapy BeLux
Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is a hypothermic application designed to reduce muscoloskeletal pain and inflammation. WBC stimulates the nervous system through skin receptors, causing dramatic peripheral vasoconstriction. This induces adaptive changes correlating with effects of analgesia, reduction of inflammation, and increases in serum markers of tissue repair.
Research into extreme cold therapy began in 1978 by Dr. Yamaguchi, a rheumatogist in Japan. He started using freezing treatments of short duration on his rheumatoid arthritis patients' skin surface for pain management purposes. He concluded that rapid short-term freezing of the skin's surface led to immediate release of endorphins and is more effective than gradual cooling in an ice bath. Further research conducted over the last two decades in Europe has established WBC as a powerful treatment for inflammatory disorders and injuries.
Whole Body Cryotherapy treatments are administered individually via a CryoSauna. The cryossystems uses gasiform azote to rapidly lower the skin's top layer to 5°C while cabin temperature drops to a range of (minus) -145°C to -195°C. During the two to three minutes of extreme cold, the brain stimulates the body's organ regulatory functions resulting in energy increase, cell rejuvenation, immune system boost, and overall system self-healing.
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Healthyfit Elo - Life coach
Toujours plus de monde et de commentaires positifs sur la Cryothérapie Corps Entier (CCE) et nos clients qui utilisent le modèle CRYOJET SYSTEM 🖒 Plus d'informations : Thibaud Laffineuse - Société PHYSIO-K LUX : ou 661/20.99.61 BEL : et 0489/98.44.77
Installation d'un appareil de Cryolipolise "LIPOFREEZE" chez Top-Tonic à Mouscron. - Plus d'informations : PHYSIO-K LUX: 661/209.961 ou BEL: 0489/98.44.77 ou
Salon Mondial Rééducation
Gamme cryothérapie CRYOJET SYSTEM BY PHYSIO-K - Anne-Sophie LAIGNEL présente la gamme en direct du salon REEDUCA de Paris
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Traitement de la cellulite - Cryolipolise LIPOFREEZE by PHYSIO-K - 1er centre équipé sur Mouscron Plus d'informations: Thibaud Laffineuse - LUX 661/20.99.61 ou - BE 0489/98.44.77 ou #cellulite #beauté #bien-être #silhouette #jemesensbien