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32, rue de la Poste, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Pizza Place



Le restaurant Franz est situé juste en face du futur centre Royal-Hamilius (Aldringer). Cuisine italienne, bar à cocktail. Franz est le nouveau lieu de rencontre au centre ville de Luxembourg. Situé juste en face du futur centre Royal-Hamilius.

Au rez-de-chaussée un restaurant avec Burger, Pizza et Pasta.

Au 1er Etage une salle qui peut être privatisée pour votre événement


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Den Owend hu mir eis éischt Editioun vum Karaoke. Kommt laanscht an amüséiert iech mat eis. 🎤 Tonight we're hosting the first edition of the Karaoke Evening. Come and sing with us

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Haut den Owend hu mir erem eisen Aperitivo am Franz. Kommt laanscht a loost iech vun eisen Spezialitéiten iwweraschen.

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Photos from Franz's post

De Summer ass zréck an e weist sech och an eisen neien Suggestiounen. Kommt laanscht a schmaacht se, vergiesst awer net ären Dësch ze reservéiren (2740 6699) ☀️ --- Summer's back and we added some lovely summer specials to our menu. Come and try them, but don't forget to book your table (2740 6699) ☀️

Photos from Franz's post

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Dëse Freideg hu mir eisen éischten Karaoke-Owend am Franz 🎤 Kommt laanscht a beweist äert Talent. This Friday we're hosting our first Karaoke night, show you're talent and sing with us

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Endlech Dënschdeg, endlech Carpaccio Owend! Tuesday night is Carpaccio night at Franz

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Och dëss Woch hu mir erem e Plat de la Semaine am Franz. Reservéiert ären Dësch um 2740 6699 --- Please enjoy this week's lunch menu. Table bookings: 2740 6699

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Vergiesst net ären Dësch fir eisen Sonndes-Brunch ze reservéiren. Don't forget to book your table for our Sunday Brunch. + 352 2740 6699

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De Franz ass dei ideal Platz fir en Afterwork matzen an der Stad Franz is the perfect place for an afterwork in the middle of the city

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De Franz sicht e Barman/Barmaid / CDI / 40h / bei Intressi mat CV op mellen --- Franz is looking for a full time Barman/Barmaid. Interested? Then just send us your resume to

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All Dënschdeg hu mir Carpaccio-Owend am Franz. Kommt laansch a schmaacht dei verschidden Zorten. --- Every Tuesday evening we'll have a dedicated Carpaccio menu. Come and try the different styles of Carpaccio

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Och dëss Woch hu mir erem e Plat de la Semaine am Franz. Reservéiert ären Dësch um 2740 6699 --- Please enjoy this week's lunch menu. Table bookings: 2740 6699

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Virowend Nationalfeierdag / Franz & Rock Solid

Äre Rendez-Vous haut den Owend an der Stad! 3 x Vive 🇱🇺

Virowend Nationalfeierdag / Franz & Rock Solid


NEAR Franz