東京都大田区の区立洗足池小学校を拠点にした未就学児・小学生・中高生を対象にしたバスケチームです。 ヘッドコーチは15才から大学までカナダにバスケ留学したNaotoki(25才)が独自のメソッドでユニークなコーチングをします。初めてバスケをするお子さんから、選手を目指す学生まで是非参加してください。他のミニバスチームとの練習試合も実施します。★体験レッスン・見学は随時受け付けております。★レッスン開催日~月曜日・金曜日・日曜日。。★練習時間・クラス&レベル・参加費に関して・その他ご質問等は電話・メールにてお問い合わせください。
A basketball program targeting kids ranging from preschool to high-school age, living in the Ota-ku Senzokuike, Tokyo area. The program splits children into teams based on age and skill-level, and provides them with elite training.
Head Coach Naotoki (age 25) travelled to Canada to play basketball for 7 years at the age of 15. His experience in Canada has helped mold his coaching approach, allowing him to offer a unique coaching method incorporating both Canadian and Japanese style drills, skills, and plays.
No matter your child’s experience level, we encourage them come participate.
If you are interested please feel free to drop by a practice and see what you think – first time is free!
Practices are held Monday – Friday and Sundays.
Please contact us by email or phone for further information about practice times, offered skill-level training, or entrance fees.
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