Hakata New Life Church
Bilingual, International Church
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Was so great having our friend Ps Gary Swenson with us over the last few days with an encouraging Word as always, and also blessed to have Crossing Praise Gospel Choir join us for Ignite Praise! Church is fun!!
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今週日曜日10時半からの朝礼拝は、オーストラリアからのゲストスピーカー、ギャリー・スウェンソン牧師をお迎えします。ギャリー牧師はいつもその季節にぴったり合った、素晴らしい神様のメッセージをもたらしてくださいます。ご期待ください!その後はポットラックランチの予定です。お友達をお誘いの上ご参加下さい。また、みんなで分かち合うお食事も1品お持ち下さい! Join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am as we welcome Ps Gary Swenson from Australia. Ps Gary always brings a Word in season, so come along expecting to hear from God! We’ll have a potluck lunch after the service, so bring a friend to church, and bring a meal to share too!
Photos from Hakata New Life Church's post
ENCOUNTER SUNDAY today was so amazing! We heard testimonies of God healing a lady from cancer, of bringing someone back into His house after 27 years of wandering, and how taking a step of faith to share God's love brought someone out of darkness into God's glorious light! So many reasons to praise our wonderful God!!!
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「わが神、主よ、わたしは心をつくしてあなたに感謝し、とこしえに、み名をあがめるでしょう。」(詩篇86:12) 今週の日曜日はエンカウンターサンデーです!神様が私たちの人生をどのように変えてくださったかの証しを分かち合いつつ、神様に賛美を捧げます。朝10:30にお会いしましょう。 "I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever." (Psalm 86:12) - This Sunday is ENCOUNTER SUNDAY! Let's meet together at 10:30am to give God our praise, and to hear testimonies of how He is changing lives!
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Even with a typhoon coming, couldn't keep people away from worshipping Jesus together. #hakatanewlifechurch
Please note that even with the coming typhoon we will still be having church tomorrow morning, however please stay safe and stay at home if you need to. Church may be a little different to usual, but if you're able to make it you'll be blessed! Let's pray for God's protection over our city and people. Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
IMPORTANT: Our Ignite Praise service (4:15pm) is CANCELLED tomorrow (Sunday) because of the approaching typhoon. Stay safe, and let's pray for God's protection over our city and our people.
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#ignitepraise went Italian tonight! So much fun, new friends, great food & dancing! God is good!
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Took #ignitepraise outside had so much fun, such a great sense of family!!
イグナイトはイタリアのに行きます!Ignite Praise goes Italian!
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Last day #newlifesummerschool can't wait to see everyone and their families tomorrow at church!
Photos from Hakata New Life Church's post
Day 4 #newlifesummerschool