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Iosa Ghini Design

Via Gentilino 6, Milan, Italy
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Iosa Ghini Associates has offices in Bologna and in Milan, where architects, engineers and designers of different nationalities work together. MASSIMO IOSA GHINI

Born in 1959, Massimo Iosa Ghini studied architecture in Florence and then graduated from Polytechnic Institute of Milan. Today he is considered one of the best known Italian architects  and designers on the international scene.

Since 1985 he participates at the avant-garde of architecture and Italian design; he founded the cultural movement Bolidism and joined the Memphis group with Ettore Sottsass.

In 1989, in Osaka, he received the keys to the city.

In the same year he opened the Iosa Ghini Associates in Milan and Bologna.
Nowadays he holds conferences and lectures in various universities, including the Polytechnic Institute of Milan, the Domus Academy, the University of Rome La Sapienza, the School Elisava of Barcelona, the Design Fachhoschule of Cologne and the Hochschule fur Angewandte Kunst in Vienna. Moreover, he teaches from 2007 at the all’MBA of Alma Graduate School of Bologna; and from 2008 he is Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic of Hong Kong.

His works can be found in various museums and private collections. His projects have received important international awards, including the Roscoe Award USA, 1988, the Good Design Award in 2001, 2004, 2009 and 2010 by the Chicago Athenaeum and the Red Dot Award in 2003.


Iosa Ghini Associates has an office in Bologna in an ancient palace and another in Milan, where architects, engineers and designers of different nationalities work together.

Founded in 1990 during the time it acquired a particular expertise in developing projects for large groups and developers that operate internationally.

The professional development of the society grows in the design of commercial and museum architectural spaces, planning areas and structures dedicated to public transport and design of worldwilde retail chain stores.

Among the most recent major projects are the Ferrari Store in Europe, USA and Asia; multifunctional residential project in Budapest, several hotels in Europe (including Budapest, Nice and Bari) and the airport areas of the airline Alitalia.
Furthermore, the metro station Kröpcke Hannover (Germany 2000), The Collection shopping center in Miami, USA, (2002), the Galleria Ferrari Museum in Maranello, Modena (2004), the headquarters of Seat Pagine Gialle, Turin (2009), and finally the Casa Museo Giorgio Morandi (2009), the design of transport infrastructure People Mover in Bologna (2010), and the latest IBM Executive Business Centre, Rome (2010).

The Facebook Page is not directly managed by Massimo Iosa Ghini. It is managed by the comunication office.



Lunedì 21 agosto, l'appuntamento è a #Rimini per la conferenza: "Ad un anno dal terremoto: prevenire e mettere in sicurezza il territorio". Tra i relatori l'architetto #MassimoIosaGhini #MeetingRiminiOrg

Su Interni Magazine si parla del buen retiro di #MassimoIosaGhini nel basso Salento

#MassimoIosaGhini Bologna Design Week

Su Arketipo Magazine si parla della nuova area di servizio Chef Express "a ponte" di Novara e del progetto architettonico di #MassimoIosaGhini

In occasione della Bologna Design Week #MassimoIosaGhini presenta il progetto #CERAMICLight per #GruppoCeramicheRicchetti

Su Archiportale #MassimoIosaGhini + Ceramiche Cisa. Al Cersaie presentano #Craft, trame e trasparenze in netto contrasto cromatico

I Saloni Worldwide Moscow si terrà da mercoledì 11 a sabato 14 ottobre al Crocus Expo 2 con le proposte del settore arredo-casa presentate lo scorso aprile al Salone del Mobile.Milano e organizzato da Federlegno Arredo Eventi. Come da tradizione, nel corso dell'iniziativa si svolgeranno le Master Classes, occasione per dialogare con grandi nomi dell’architettura e del design italiano, offrendo spunti e confronti e confronto sui temi del progetto grazie all'esperienza dei relatori. Tra questi il 12 ottobre #MassimoIosaGhini, tra più noti architetti e designer contemporanei italiani. Il Giornale

Mansion Global #MassimoIosaGhini Brickell Flatiron #Miami

Su Archiportale si parla della nuova area Chef Express "a ponte" di Novara, un edificio eco-sostenibile firmato anche da #MassimoIosaGhini

The Editor at Large/ #MassimoIosaGhini designed penthaouse revealed in #Miami Brickell Flatiron

Su Living Corriere si parla di Cersaie 2017 e di piastrelle tra natura e decor. Tra queste anche #Craft disegnata da #MassimoIosaGhini per Ceramiche Cisa del Gruppo Ricchetti

Cersaie #Bologna 2017/ "Beyond the Promise Kept by #MassimoIosaGhini". Read the article OBJEKT©International
