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Carlotta Testori Studio

Via Olmetto, 17, Milan, Italy


ad Carlotta Testori Studio, located in the sixteenth century Palazzo Brivio in the heart of Milan, is to be a place for artistic projects, observations, exchanges and hosting art in its myriad forms.

It is with this spirit that the Studio proudly presents its first project: the Angelus Militans trilogy. Each of the three phases, or chapter, Nunc Instantis, Nunc Fluens, Nunc Aeternus, interprets the appearance of the Angelus Militans through a different artistic medium.

The trilogy program consists of the three Nunc of Angelus Militans to be presented at three different times.  
The first part of the trilogy, Nunc Instantis, is the exhibition by Julia Krahn that will open on 22 February. Nunc Instantis is the instant that the angel appears to us and himself, when he finds himself in the dimension of appearance.
The second part concerns Nunc Fluens, that is when this Angel/Eros begins to move, when Eros shoots his arrow. The arrow strikes …it is a flow: dance and music. The second part of the trilogy is a dance performance that will be held in the courtyard of the palazzo on May the 4th.
And finally, Nunc Aeternus: Eros has struck and his arrows leave lasting wounds. The instant that leads us back to literature, to the word like an echo that will resound forever, becomes just as eternal. At the end of June, for Nunc Aeternus, the great  actor, Sandro Lombardi will present a reading on the theme of love from his book "Le mani sull’amore".

It is in the trilogy that these different Nunc of the Angelus Militans will reveal themselves as beyond time itself, as moments that coincide with eternity. A point of no return.

Please find all the details on the website


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