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Mark Meakin ceramics class...a must for those who feel the urge to play and create without the pressure to be perfect... Unleash your inner child in a wonderful atmosphere while creating beautiful objects. Starting...Monday April 3rd 6:45pm to 8:45pm Wednesday classes afternoons and evenings starting Wed 5th April 2pm to 4pm and 6:45 to 8:45 10 classes payable in two instalments of €70 Price includes all materials. At the Open Door centre in Bray. For Bookings Contact Mark 087 2776619 or Mia 085 1140140
Photos from Mark Meakin Ceramics's post
Hi All. Mia here for Mark...could you send me photos of this terms work via my email address so i can pop them up here..its nice to see a mix of styles and ideas...the wednesday evening class has been a lot of fun...a talanted bunch..however i also loved the banter of the Monday night gang. I dont know the Wednesday afternoon group but Mark loves you all....looking forward to next term..pass the word to friends who may be interested..below is the work of Val Mc Hugh...little spoons and some pieces to add to her driftwiod mobiles...and my bowls...
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Send me your photos or mia parsons so I can show off your great work.
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Very arty Clare Parsons.
Photos from Mark Meakin Ceramics's post
Ms Stringer Mr Hanney et al @the Wednesday evening ceramics Class...making beautiful things...Clodagh Doyle is very ambitious indeed..!! Fun fun fun....Kerensa, mischievous and very creative and Moire is one to be watched!! 😊 well behaved overall...😊
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From the new class on Wednesday the very talanted hold her paint brushes..interesting to see it after this space
Photos from Mark Meakin Ceramics's post
New yourself through the medium of clay...its such fun to work with and your mistakes and imperfections become your individual style.... there are some places available on the Wednesday evenings from the 11th January from 6:45 to 8:45... €120 fee includes all materials and firings. ..there may be a place or two on the Monday night which starts on the 9th. Same time...will keep you posted...please pm asap to secure your place either here or on mia parsons page ...happy new year
Photos from Mark Meakin Ceramics's post
And so another term are some of the works in progress and some finished pieces. Thanks for all the enthusiasm...cakes...chocolate and banter...see you all in the new year. 🌲have a peaceful break.
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Lovely work from Margaret yet again. ...beautiful gift ideas..
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Another gem from Leigh. Her colourful Tree of Life framed.
Photos from Mark Meakin Ceramics's post
The very festive and beautiful work of Laurie...
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A beautiful set of sushi dishes by Laura..