Beat 102 103
Your Music Now! The biggest radio station in the South East. Get us on air on 102-103fm, online at and on your phone.
Beat 102-103 House Rules
This page is a place for you to have your say about our music, the South East, what we are talking about on-air and more. We encourage you to chat with us here, leave your comments, thoughts and opinions! We love to hear from you and want you to be a part of our shows and station by posting on this page.
Beat 102-103 will try to moderate every post on our page however it’s not always possible and Beat 102-103 expects that users will not post any material that is, or could reasonably be seen as being: unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, untrue, inaccurate, misleading, invasive of another's privacy, confidential, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, homophobic, racist, embarrassing or otherwise objectionable to any other person or entity. Users are encouraged to debate and discuss any point, but debate the issue and please don't attack the poster.
Any content that we deem to contravene the above guidelines, Beat 102-103 will endeavour to remove. Beat 102-103 will also remove content that is deemed to be inappropriate or not in line with the organisation’s values at our complete discretion. In the event that Beat 102-103 does elect to remove any posts or content no correspondence will be entered into. Beat 102-103 does not allow commercial activity on its Facebook Page.
By uploading content you:
• Consent to the content and your name being publicised, broadcast and communicated to the public including but not limited to on-air or on other Beat 102-103 websites;
• Acknowledge that Beat 102-103 has the right to use such content in any medium (including, without limitation, the internet) and in any reasonable manner it sees fit including for the purposes of publicity;
• Undertake to Beat 102-103 that the content uploaded is not in breach of any third party intellectual property rights.
All competitions running on the Beat 102-103 Facebook page will be subject to, but not limited to, our standard terms and conditions (
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Join the Audi A1 Beat Fleet in McDonalds Kilkenny for your free Breakfast McMuffin #FreeBreakfastFriday
Oregon Zoo
We just kant 😍😍😍
TY students in the Ursuline in Waterford City made these creations in TWO hours! Impressive! Check this out 😄
Our head of digital, Kolyn, trying out a VR rollercoaster at Dublin Tech Summit. He looks so happy :-)
Timeline Photos
Simpler times!
Timeline Photos
Happy Birthday Sean O'Brien!
It's Sean O'Brien's birthday! Here's why we love The Tullow Tank!
Alec Baldwin and Melissa McCarthy back to poke fun at Trump administration on SNL
They're back!
Tipperary farmer wants clarification over drone laws
He wants the issue clarified...
Dating fraud reported 'once every three hours'
Swipe left to this...
Stars fill New York Fashion Week front row despite snow storms
They braved the weather...
Timeline Photos
The Beat Fleet are in Bolands Hyundai Waterford for their finance open day, come say hi and grab yourself some goodies!