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The Helping Hand Waterford

, Waterford, Ireland
Nonprofit Organization



We are a small group of volunteers that aim to give anyone in need a hot meal , tea and coffee and a chat  Monday - Saturday  



Also a big thank you to Eleanor's Hair Salon in Barrack St. Waterford City, proprietor Eleanor and her customers, for their generous donation. Once again this is the sort of generosity that allows us to provide our service to the people in the area who need it.

A big thank you to the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Sun Life Financial here in Waterford who recently raised money in a raffle and chose us as a beneficiary. It is thanks to this type of generosity that we are able to continue our work.

A big thank you to the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Sun Life Financial here in Waterford who recently raised money in a raffle and chose us as a beneficiary.

It is thanks to this type of generosity that we are able to continue our work.

Looking for a St Saviours school jumper size 11 to 12 if anyone can help us. Thank you

Photos from The Helping Hand Waterford's post

We're out at the Altogether Now Festival in Portlaw collecting for HELPING HAND. We'll also be there on Monday collecting sleeping bags and tents

Photos from The Helping Hand Waterford's post

Anyone going to the All Together Now festival at Curraghmore Estate this weekend? We will be collecting any unwanted sleeping bags and small tents which we will recycle by giving them to those in need throughout the year. Please look out for the Helping Hand dropping off point. Thanks.

Missing Persons Helpline Ireland

Missing Persons Helpline Ireland

Dear friends. We are making an appeal for a family who need a little help. First off does anyone have an electric cooker they can spare? If we find one is there someone who could help out installing it? Then we are looking for some help clearing a back garden (or the loan of a strimmer and similar tools) and taking away the rubbish. For free or for a small fee would be great. Please contact us here on our page or group, and on behalf of this family thanks in advance.

Dear friends.

We are making an appeal for a family who need a little help.

First off does anyone have an electric cooker they can spare?

If we find one is there someone who could help out installing it?

Then we are looking for some help clearing a back garden (or the loan of a strimmer and similar tools) and taking away the rubbish. For free or for a small fee would be great.

Please contact us here on our page or group, and on behalf of this family thanks in advance.

The brillant Eamon getting his arm pits waxed after €40 being donated for him to get it done.

The brillant Eamon getting his arm pits waxed after €40 being donated for him to get it done.

Neil up next

Stand by our next victim David Rees will be getting his chest waxed soon live


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