Short Relaxing Bridge Holiday Break
Specialising in Beginners & Intermediates
Play followed by Discussion with a CBAI qualified Teacher
We offer you a very relaxing Holiday with few shorts sessions of bridge followed by analyses of the hands just played. Notes to bring home. Along with it we will all have lots of fun with dinner and entertainment. You also will have free time to do whatever interest you on location. Beginners don't be shy it is perfect for you. Everyone will learn and improve their bridge :)
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3 Kilkenny students have qualified to represent Ireland in Slovakia , at the European BridgeYouth Team games in July .James Higgins and Mark Reade CBS will play as part of an under 21 team in the competition, Aideen Edmondson Colaiste Pobail Osrai will compete as part of an under 15 girls team We wish all three the very best of luck, The young players from Kilkenny have done very well in all current teams and pairs competitions ,and have travelled far and wide to Irish venues during the year to participate in these events ,they also practice on BBO with their mentors on Sunday nights,
ADD POINTS FOR SHORTAGES ONLY ONCE YOU HAVE FOUND A FIT this tip may be too basic for many readers, but still too many players add distribution points at the wrong time, so perhaps it is well to check for any bad habits :) When opening or overcalling, you may add extra pts for a long suit(s). No pts should be counted for shortages as yet, because if partner holds length in that suit, your shortage is bad news. If you support partner's suit, or your suit is supported by partner, THEN shortages are definitely working, because you have sufficient trumps to use for ruffing. And remember when playing, ruffing in the long hand doesn't bring you extra tricks. So try to ruff in the short hand for extra tricks :)
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Again, what is your rebid??
Last Tip on Pre-empt, after that, you know it all :) AFTER OPPONENT'S PRE-EMPT, DON'T BID SLAM CONTRACTS When an opponent tries to ruin your auction, it is a natural instinct to want to make him pay. However, it is worth reflecting that their aggression has tipped you off to a very important factor: PECULIAR DISTRIBUTION. For, if there is one 7 card suit openly reported, there are usually other HORRORS awaiting their chance to rear up and surprise you
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Can you think of your rebid when you open?
RESPONDING TO A PRE-EMPT! ok, from last week, if you trust your Partner, hope that he knows what to do after your pre-empt :) your P opens 3H , you have (♠AK4 ♥K ♦A973 ♣J9832 ) Do not be tempted to respond 3NT. With no outside entry, you may be unable to enjoy partner's long ♥ suit. Instead, bid 4H. you have an eight card fit and useful A and K, making the major-suit game far safer and more likely to succeed. What about P opens 3C, you have (♠A64 ♥A43 ♦A93 ♣A832) 5C? 6C? Neither. Bid 3NT. Partner has high quality 7 cards suit. 6 playing tricks. you have 4 tricks and control of all the suits AND entries to his Club suit. *After a major pre-empt, support partner's suit or Pass *After a minor suit, head for NT but you must hold at least 3 cards in his suit, to reach him and stoppers in all other suits A change of suit is 100 % forcing and suggests a genuine alternative trump suit. Opener should support with 2or 3 cards support or return to his own suit.
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will you ??
Wooo some wont like this :) HAVING PRE-EMPTED, NEVER BID AGAIN!!!!!!! if you analyse most bidding disasters at social bridge you find that they are due to overbidding. Not just getting too high, but bidding your hand too many times. ONCE YOU'VE DESCRIBED WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND, YOU MUST PASS. Shock though it may be to some, you have a PARTNER, and you must TRUST him to have heard what you've said and to judge whether to continue in the auction. With a Pre-empt, if you are prepared to compete at the 4 or 5 level, then you should open at the 4 or 5 level (4H/S or 5D/C). Because bidding it slowly( 3C 3S P 4S // 5C!!) would allowed the opponents time to exchange information and decide, in comfort whether to bid on or double you. Beside the opener has no ideas what is going on. Perhaps the opps are not making 4S or maybe they are making 6S. His Partner is in a far better position to judge this, so LEAVE IT TO HIM. Bridge is a PARTNERSHIP ♥♥ :)
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will you try??
Can you pre-empt your Partner? A question often asked! ex: 1♣ P 3♥ As the purpose of a pre-empt is to use up the opponent's bidding space,it really is illogical to make a pre-empt in response to your partner's opening bid. It wastes your own space, and usually results in the wrong contract. In the example it would go 1♣ P 1♥
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When you open always think of your re-bid :)
Second pre-empt tip ! The key to identifying a pre-empt in any position is by the level at which the bid is make in relation to any other bids. A bid at the 3-level is not automatically a pre-empt . So if your RHO opens 1♠, and you have eight clubs and wish to pre-empt, you cannot just bid 3♣, that would be a jump-overcall. You must bid 4♣. Naturally, when vulnerable, you must ensure that the risk is worth the gain, and keep your suit quality very high.