An Duine Beag Montessori
An Duine Beag Montessori School, Dunhill is a high quality preschool committed to the care and education of the children who attend our service.
An Duine Beag is a high quality childcare service with some of the most qualified staff in the country. Our commitment is to provide the best preschool experience for each and every child that attends our school.
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facebook.comOur Birthday Girls 🎂🎂
What a beautiful day! The first day of Spring has arrived in all it's glory :-) What a busy day we had here at An Duine Beag :-) Learning all about Spring and celebrating St Bridget's day!
An Duine Beag can offer up to 30 hrs Free Childcare per week if you are in receipt of a social welfare payment (FIS, Jobseekers, Lone parent, Education allowance, Disability allowance etc) and / or if you have a Medical Card :-) Hours can cover Preschool, Before & Afterschool, Easter / Summer & Halloween Camps! 8am to 6pm daily & Free primary school drops & collections :-) contact An Duine Beag at 086-3192665
Very Important: Parents please be aware that from September 2018 there will only be one entry point each year into the two Free Preschool years! Your child will have to be 2 years 8months by 1st September 2018. So therefore they will have to have had to turn 2yrs old prior to 31st December 2017 for their first free year!
Loads of fun being had here this morning 😜. Everyone is well settled back after our Christmas break 😀
This is fabulous news 😀. Could do with refreshing these skills 👍
We at An Duine Beag would like to wish all our little friends, their parents and extended families a Happy and Healthy New Year. We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning and we are also looking forward to welcoming our new little friends who will be joining our group.
Some Christmas pics 🎄🎅🏻
Minister Simon Harris says he's concerned about back to school next week as children could be spreading flu. "I am worried about the spread of the flu when kids go back to school. We're seeing a strain of flu that is affecting children this year, we didn't see last year, so I would advise parents if your child is under the weather please keep them home from school next week," Simon Harris.