Healing Prana
The healing therapist, easing out what is hurting you within. I offer healing therapies to help ease out whatever is hurting you inside and stopping you have the life your deserve, these therapies are Reiki, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, IET, Divine Essence Crystal Healing,and Angel Card Readings. I also teach guided meditation classes in a relaxed comfortable environment suitable for all levels, and different workshops on Angels, Chakras, Reiki, and Self empowerment and self healing. Call me on 0860894229 to discuss any of the above Angel Hugs Caroline xx
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FINDING THE SUNSHINE BEHIND EVERY CLOUD Good morning everyone, hope that you are all well, for a lot of us today is our Friday WOOHOO, as tomorrow is St Patrick's Day, for those of you who have to work tomorrow, sorry and thank you for taking care of the rest of us. Today is all about finding the sunshine behind the clouds, in other words finding something to celebrate in every situation, we just have to look at it. So as you go about your day look for the sunshine, or make the sun shine for someone else today and see how that makes you feel inside. FIND YOUR SUNSHINE BEHIND THE CLOUD AND BE THE SUN SHINE IN SOMEONES LIFE TODAY Have a fabulous day everyone Until we meet, Angel Hugs Caroline xxxx
Day 4 of the 30 day Gratitude Challenge
Hi all, I seem to end up doing this every night and every night I promise myself I'll get it done earlier tomorrow, have to get firm with myself now. Hope you are all well, and I would love to know if anyone else is doing this challenge with Lily and I, or maybe you have done it already, how did you get on ? [ 1,216 more word ] http://healinginside.blog/2017/03/15/day-4-of-the-30-day-gratitude-challenge
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THANK YOU As I sit and read the papers today and read about the 4 crew members of the rescue helicopter that list their lives this week I am filled with GRATITUDE to these wonderful people who choose a career that put their own lives at risk every day to save other people. I think about their families, how they must feel I cannot imagine but my heart is broken for them to leave for work and not come home that is unthinkable. I wish to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to the 4 crew members for everything they did and my deepest condolences to their families. Rest in peace now 💜💜💜💜
Day 3 of the 30 days of GRATITUDE Challenge
Hi everyone, hope this post finds you all well, here are my 30 things that I am grateful for today. I am grateful to wake up naturally without any alarm clock and be on time for everything. I am grateful for not been ruled by the clock anymore, for so many years I couldn't live without a watch I would loose my mind but my watch stopped last November and I just never got it fixed and the freedom I have since is wonderful. [ 1,040 more word ] http://healinginside.blog/2017/03/14/day-3-of-the-30-days-of-gratitude-challenge
Healing Prana
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TAKE ACTION TUESDAY If there is one thing I know for sure it is nothing changes in your life until you take action to change your life. So today take one step towards your dream and start changing your life for the better Have a Fabulous day everyone. Angel Hugs Caroline 💜💜💜
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ONLINE MEDITATION Have you ever meditated? There is so much talk about meditation now, it has become the new in thing and you are nearly frowned upon if you don't, but if you have never done any kind of meditation before it is very hard to know where to start. My advice would be to start with some form of guided meditation, it helps to keep you focused and you are guided through so you are not wondering am I doing this right. Joining a class is very good, being part of a group is a lovely experience, the energy from a group of people meditating together is very powerful and can be very healing. But if for any reason you can't get to a class there are many meditations available on YouTube or even here on Facebook if you follow certain pages. The important thing is to find a class, group, meditation that suits you and this may take a few goes, I will say this whatever you try give it a few goes before you make up your mind, very few people connect in the very first time as a matter of fact alot of people fall asleep so you really need to give the class time for you and it to settle into each other, if after a number of classes you still don't feel comfortable then you just need to find a different class or different style of meditation. There are a number of styles of meditation out there and each one is very good it is about finding the one that is right for you. Some of these styles are Guided Visualization Mindfulness Transcendental Kundalini Qi Gong Zazen Hearth Rhythm Mantra Metta And this is only a few of them and they are all different. The key thing is that there are so many styles you just need to find the one that suits you. I teach guided visualization meditation classes and will be starting an online class to help people who can't get to a regular class every week due to life commitments, if you would like to sample this class for a week, place your name in the comments below and you will be invited into a group page. The benefits of the ONLINE MEDITATION CLASS are Unlimited access to meditations Can join from anywhere in the world Can meditate at a time that suits you Each meditation will help you connect into your own energy and help you clear and balance your mind, body and spirit. You don't have to leave home, hire a babysitter, go out in bad weather or get dressed up for class, you can stay at home, put the children to bed, stay in by the fire and meditate in your PJ's if you wish, totally at ease and fully relaxed able to get the full benefit of the class. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me either by PM here or email me at healingpranabycaroline@gmail.com Until we meet, Angel hugs Caroline xxx
Good morning all, Felt so proud of myself last night that I was able to write 30 things of Gratitude, and that I was able to get the blog from here to my Facebook Page, I am so easily pleased, can't figure out how I am still single LOL. So here is my list for today, I hope there is something in here that you can resonate with and will remind you of all the things you are grateful for in your life, things we take for granted. [ 1,087 more word ] http://healinginside.blog/2017/03/13/day-2-of-30-day-gratitude-challenge
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MAGICAL MONDAY Ok everyone writing this daily gratitude list is making me really grateful for the most simple but not always readily available gifts of life. If you are up and out of your bed, having breakfast and getting ready for the day ahead then this Monday is already Magical remember not everyone is able to do what you have just done, not everyone has the heath to do it or the freedom to do it, or the home in which to live to do it, so today is A MAGICAL MONDAY, LETS KEEP THE MAGIC FLOWING EVERYWHERE YOU GO TODAY. Have a Fabulous day everyone Angel Hugs Caroline xxxxx
I have taken on this 30 day gratitude challenge, 30 days of 30 new things to be grateful for to change my life and make it better so it starts today 12 March 2017 here are my 30 things I am grateful to have my fingers to write and type this post I am grateful to be able to read and write… [ 338 more words ] http://healinginside.blog/2017/03/12/30-day-gratitude-challenge
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FULL MOON TONIGHT Hi all Just a little reminder that we have a full moon tonight, this is a create time for you to let go of any negative in your life and then make a clear list of what you would like to bring into your life for the coming 30 days, the clearer you are the better for you, make sure you really want what is on that list and that you are ready to receive it into your life. If you want something like more money or more clients make sure you are ready for the work that will be coming your way. I would also suggest that you burn both lists under the moon if you can. Also if you have crystals get them out under the moon to be charged up it will increase their energy which is amazing for healing you and your clients. Angel hugs Caroline xxx
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ANGEL GUIDANCE FOR THE WEEK AHEAD Good evening everyone, hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, here is your Angel Guidance for the coming week. Card A. ANGEL OF EXPRESSION It is time for you to speak your truth, this card is all about you expressing yourself, your authentic self. For too long you have done what every one else wanted never rocking the boat so to speak, but the last 12 months or so have been hard on you and you just can't do it anymore. It is time for you to be honest with yourself and with those around you. You are not happy with your life right now you want to make changes and part of that is you speaking your truth to yourself and people in your life. You need to be clear about what it is you want. Take some time out alone to get clear on things and then start to be honest with those around you. It is time for you to be true to yourself now. Card B. GODDESS OF ONENESS Open up to your true self inside, for too long we look outside for the answers, what do we do, are we good enough, will I be able, all the answers you need are inside you, it is time to connect to your higher self, your soul. You are stronger than you think and when you slow down and listen you will realize that you had all the answers all along. You are also surrounded by Angels and Spirit guiding you, you are not alone making these decisions they are guiding you every step of the way, ask them to give you signs so that you know you are interpreting the messages correctly. Once you build this relationship with your guides and Angels you won't need to do this as much but in the beginning it gives you peace of mind. Know your own strength, like the mighty oak you are rooted in strong foundation ready to grow and ascend now. Card C. GOD OF ARTS You are the artist of your own life, you can create whatever image you wish. We forget that we are the creators of our own life and let other people and situations dictate our lives. It is time for you to get very clear on the life you want, what image will you paint, pay attention to the details and colours, meditate for a while and through your third eye visualize your life, the life you really want, you are the artist paint the picture with everything in it, you can either create a vision board of this life or make a very clear and detailed list of what it is you want in your life. I will remind you of one thing make sure you really want it and be clear on how you wish to receive it, always ask for everything " Under Grace and in Miraculous Ways" no matter what you are asking for. Card D. GODDESS OF THE UNKNOWN It is time for you to step off the edge, spread your wings and fly into the unknown. You are coming into a time of new beginnings in your life, this has been brewing for a while and you have been sitting on the edge afraid to jump but the time has come you need to follow your heart and your dreams and go for it. It is out of the unknown that the miracles happen and it is time for you to experience some miracles in your life. Again you are not alone, ask your Angels and Spirit Guides to be with you and guide you on this new path, your new adventure. FLY HIGH, LIVE FEARLESSLY. I hope this guidance answers your questions and give you the direction for the week ahead. If you would like a one to one reading for the year ahead then call me on 086 0894229 and allow the Angels to help you. Angel Hugs Caroline xxxx