Isobel Flynn of Sky Blue Healing
Angelic Divine Soul Light Healing
Usui Reiki Master
Crystal Healing
Fertility Massage
Member of ARCHTI
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facebook.comTake a Deep Breath... Abdominal Breathing massages the solar plexus; abdominal muscles and digestive organs relaxes the heart and brings peacefulness to the mind! Step1: Lie on your back and relax your body Step 2: Close your Eyes Step 3: Place your left hand on your Heart and your right hand on your Belly Step 3: Inhale deeply through your nose whilest your belly/ abdomen expands Feel your Belly fill with air Step 4: Exhale out slowly through the pursed lip's of your mouth, as your belly contracts Repeat the breathing cycle several times..
Wise Word's...
Be Open to The Magical Blessing's of the Universe...
Hail Mary Full of Grace The Lord is With Thee Blessed art thou among woman And Blessed is the Fruit Of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God Pray for our Sinner's Now and At the Hour of Our Death Amen
In Honour of St. Valentine's Day Love is a powerful healing energy Everyone can benefit from more love for improved health.. Take the time to share some loving words or offer love in silent mediation- either to a specific person - or in a general way to all! Spread the Love..
May Happy Times & Warm Memories Brighten Your Coming Year.. Blessings For 2017!
The Eye Is The Window To Your Soul And Your Health..