Patrick Moloney's Injury Clinic
Authentic and effective treatment of pain and injuries for people like you. Gentle and relaxing but powerful. Results speak for themselves. Amatsu Orthopathic Therapist.
Effective treatment for Pains and Injuries of all kinds. Fantastic form of preventative maintenance. A must for those who care about their bodies and want the best from them.
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facebook.comSpinal Mobility for better movement The quality of your spine's mobility is paramount for good movement. When your spine is mobile, motion is more fluid, posture is better and you are heading towards painless movement. It's not an instant fix, there is a process. It can be a long process or a relatively short one, if you are willing to make a few positive changes. The first step is to return your body to balance, remove the excess tensions that are restricting you. Then make improvements to your posture and how you move, learn simple ways to move better, more efficiently and more naturally. As your spine gains mobility and you keep up your good habits you will see the rewards in no time. Take the first step on this positive journey, make your appointment today Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick on 086 152 7646 for bookings Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic What I do> — Products shown: Pay for a bundle of 3 sessions.
Take a positive step forward and book your appointment today. Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 for bookings — Products shown: Pay for a bundle of 3 sessions.
Spinal Mobility for better movement The quality of your spine's mobility is paramount for good movement. When your spine is mobile, motion is more fluid, posture is better and you are heading towards painless movement. It's not an instant fix, there is a process. It can be a long process or a relatively short one, if you are willing to make a few positive changes. The first step is to return your body to balance, remove the excess tensions that are restricting you. Then make improvements to your posture and how you move, learn simple ways to move better, more efficiently and more naturally. As your spine gains mobility and you keep up your good habits you will see the rewards in no time. Take the first step on this positive journey, make your appointment today Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick on 086 152 7646 for bookings Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic What I do>
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Wherever your injury is, I can help. Book your appointment today and take a positive step forward Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 to book Single Sessions €50 A bundle of 3 sessions € 120 Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic See a sample of what I do>
Mondays can be rough.... If you're "Dogged" by an injury Do something about it. Take a positive step forward Book your appointment today Ph/txt/whtsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic See what I do here>
Take 30 seconds to see a sample of the injuries I can help with. Sessions are about 40 mins and cost €50. You can buy a bundle of three sessions for € 120. Please share with anyone you think may benefit. Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 for bookings — Products shown: Pay for a bundle of 3 sessions.
Stay safe over the next few days folks. I'll be open all week if you can get to me. Ph/txt/Whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 for appointments or book/pay online — Products shown: Pay for a bundle of 3 sessions.
Look after your body and it will look after you Ph/txt/WhatsApp Patrick 086 152 7646 for appointments Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic Dublin 12
Who's the boss? When you get an injury, most people think of muscles. Yes, muscles are indicators that something is wrong and they can be responsible for adaptations but who else could be "pulling the strings"?? Ligaments- the hidden captains In a joint, they keep all the parts in the right places so the joint can move properly and when it's not being moved it keeps the bones of that joint in their rightful place. When not working properly, they cause stretching or tensions on the muscles effecting the joint and this can cause them to be too tight or too weak. Working on the muscles will help but to get to the source you need to work on the ligaments too. Nerves- fiber-powered generals Nerves are like broadband internet, they bring information to and from everywhere. Nerves tell muscles and ligaments what to do and when to do it. When a nerve is "unhappy" every muscle, ligament, organ it feeds feels the effects. Nerves hate to be pressed or overly stretched. Organs- The middle children But what about me..... the call of the organ. So what if we need them to live, does it give them the right to demand space in our bodies? Apparently so. They all need a certain amount of space to do their thing and when they get crowded they send out signals to the muscles and joints around them using their pals the nerves. Organs hate being stuck in the middle and can kick up quite the fuss when they are. The Brain- the ultimate Dude? We wear helmets for a reason. The brain is the boss. Anyone who has suffered an intense headache will tell you that. Our brain happily sits in our head and want's to get on with life without drama. Muscles/ligaments/nerves/organs kicking up a fuss is drama so it will make whatever adaptions it can to turn down that noise and get back some chill In every treatment, I assess all the main players. Make your appointment now Ph/Txt/Whatsapp Patrick on 086 152 7646 Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic #PatrickMoloney #injury #dboss
"Beauty is pain" or is it? Weight distribution on your feet is important. we are designed to have about 60% of our weight borne by our heel and 40% on our toes. This allows our arches to absorb stress as we move. Even a small heel disrupts this balance and the higher it goes, the more load on your toes. This doesn't just apply to your high heels, look at your trainers are they raised significantly at the back? If you are getting painful calves, knees, hips or lower back pain, your footwear could be part of the problem. This doesn't mean you can only wear flats. Wear your heels, just give back to your feet afterwards. Some gentle massaging, soaking, walking barefoot or however you choose to show them some love. To really treat your feet and get them back into shape, book an appointment now and see just how good they can feel Ph/txt/whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 and book today Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic #Patrickmoloney #heels #footiefeb #loveyourtrotters
Love a good knees up? When you have an injury to your knee it can stop you in your tracks. Aside from direct impact/torque, trouble with your knees is most likely resulting from a foot issue or a hip issue. When then knee starts hurting the cause has been there for a while, slowly straining the ligaments and muscles of the knee. First step to recovery- remove the cause Second step- improved movement and posture Third step- Patience Because a knee injury is often ligament based, it can take longer to fully heal so a proper plan to recovery is vital to avoid relapse. Book your appointment today and take a positive step in the right direction Get yourself in balance and learn the tools to make your recovery plan Ph/Txt/Whatsapp Patrick 086 152 7646 Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic #Patrickmoloney #kneeinjury #kneetreatment
Do you dare to go bare? Barefoot is all the rage right now. Walking barefoot on soil, grass or sand is often called earthing and claims have been made that it helps you sleep, reduces inflammation and increases antioxidants. Certainly when it comes to your feet, as near to barefoot as possible is preferable. You can go all out and get the foot gloves pictured below or you can spend more time in your bare feet(maybe at home, if you don't like people staring), or socks or even good footwear(not flip flops) without a heel. With better weather coming, why not pop to your local park or beach or even your back garden and do a little earthing. Maybe the neighbors will join in? If you have issues with your feet...wash them and pop down to see me Remember, earthing is good, clean and functional is better Make your appointment today Ph/Txt/Whatsapp Patrick on 086 152 7646 today Patrick Moloney Injury Clinic #PatrickMoloney #injury #earthing #washyourfeet