Darts Academy Ireland
Darts Academy Of Ireland is a darting experience committed to nurturing Ireland's future talent in the darts world aged between 8 - 18 male or female. The Darts Academy Of Ireland is a non profit organisation offering a darting experience to junior dart players male or female between the age of 5 - 18
Our aim is to promote the wonderful game of Darts at ALL levels.
We use a grading system designed by the top darts professionals at The Junior Darts Corporation In The UK that will help ALL players to reach the top of their game, we will prepare you in ALL aspects of the game to get you ready for competition darts and beyond.
WE are affiliated to The Junior Darts Corporation (JDC) who are in turn affiliated to The Professional Darts Corporation (PDC)
We are proudly sponsored by Unicorn Darts.
We are fully insured and garda vetted and have sat the safeguarding for children 1 & 2, we have a child protection officer & first aid officer on site at ALL times in the club.
Plenty of parking available.
Please do call in for a look around, and get a feel for the place (and throw a few darts) your first visit is free of charge where I would be only delighted to answer all of your queries.
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facebook.comAre You Under 18? Want To Represent Ireland At The 2018 Junior World Darts Championships? One Darts Academy...2 Locations. Tullow Carlow, Ireland Tuesday 7:15 - 8:30 Tallaght Dublin, Ireland Thursday 7:15 - 8:30 First Night Free Of Charge! Who Will Win The Highest Score & Star Player Of The Week This Week?
Professional Darts Corporation Order Of Merit Following Last Weekends Players championships 3 & 4 Irish Players : 5TH Daryl Gurney 35TH Brendan Dolan 57TH William O Connor 59TH Steve Lennon 64TH Mick Mcgowan 76TH Mickey Mansell 98TH Nathan Rafferty
Congratulations to Unicorn Darts Gary Anderson On Winning BOTH Players Championships 3 & 4 At The Weekend defeating Peter Wright (6-0) in PC 3 & Jeffrey De Zwaan (6-2) in PC 4. Best For The Irish Were : PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIPS 3 : Brendan Dolan - 1/4 Finals Daryl Gurney - last 32 Darts Academy Ireland Ambassador :Steve Lennon - 2nd Round 1st Round Exits For : Mickey Mansell Jason Cullen William O Connor Mick Mcgowan PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIPS 4 : Mickey Mansell - 2nd Round 1st Round Exits For : Brendan Dolan Mick McGowan William O' Connor Jason Cullen Darts Academy Ireland Ambassador : Steve Lennon Daryl Gurney
Another successful weekend for Darts Academy Ireland members at The INDO Darts Youth All Ireland's in Ennis. Katie Sheldon was awarded for reaching the Girls World Masters final Keane Barry was awarded for reaching the boys World Masters final & Also won the 2018 Youths Inter Counties Singles Killian Heffernan was awarded for reaching the Youths Lakeside World Championship final and for Number one Ranked youth player All 3 players will represent Ireland in 2018. Killian Heffernan, Keane Barry & William Byrne went on to lift the Youth All Ireland winning trophy with their County Meath team mates. Well done all 👏👏👏👏👏
Noel Malicdem has thrown a magical 9-dart finish on the Professional Darts Corporation Asian Tour.
Congratulations to Darts Academy Ireland Ambassador Steve Lennon last night qualified for Professional Darts Corporation European Tours 3 & 4. Willie O' Connor also qualifying for European tour 3 recording a fantastic 114.2 average. Both Jason Cullen & Brendan Dolan both qualifying for European Tour 4 Well done all 👏👏👏👏 🍀🍀🍀🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
Well with last weeks baltic weather interrupting week 4 of our Darts training & grading in association with The JDC Junior Darts Corporation and proudly sponored by Unicorn Darts the members that couldn't make it, done a double session this week to bring us right up to date with week 5. And what a week we had, records being broken and some (No ALOT) of serious darts being thrown. HIGHEST SCORE : Keane Barry started off his back week with the highest score of - 1243 only 9 points off his previous and Darts Academy Ireland's highest score ever of 1252. This grading consisted of yet ANOTHER Darts Academy Ireland record...an amazing "11" doubles hit which included 3 doubles in a row. And of course not content with this Keane went on to get the highest score of week 5 also by "DESTROYING" his and our previous record score by beating it by 168 points for a "NEW" Darts Academy Ireland record score now of "1420" This grading consisted of a Shanghai on 14's. MOST IMPROVED PLAYER : Wayne Dunne & Evan Byrne shared this award this week. Wayne beating his previous highest score of 873 by 103 points to give him his new highest score of 976. Evan also beating his previous highest score of 769 by 484 points to give him his new highest score of 1253 SHANGHAI'S : An amazing 13 Shanghai's hit. With Evan Byrne and the Cummins brothers Sean Cummins & Jamielee Cummins hitting 3 each. Sean Cummins - 17, 11 + 14 Jamie Lee Cummins - 11, 13 + 12 Evan Byrne - 15, 19 + 11 With 1 each for : Wayne Dunne - 12 William Byrne - 12 Steven Coroner - 18 Keane Barry - 14 Well done also to Keane Barry, Killian Heffernan & Evan Byrne on hitting the "perfect" 3 doubles in a row during their grading. Special mention also to the following players who have also beaten their previous scores : Sean Cummins who goes from 885 to 1293 Jamie Lee Cummins from 698 to 799 Shaun Barry from 508 to 555 Well what a week that was, unfortunately we have to wait a full week for the next one, unbelievable Darts out of you one and all, you all can be very proud of yourselves...a talented bunch 👏👏👏 Big thanks to Zoe Ní Dubhghaill Amy Byrne Derek Heffernan Stephen Sheldon & Neil Barry for your assistance this week. And last but not least best of luck to all our members and indeed EVERY Junior Dart thrower out there competing in The INDO Darts Youth Inter County Championships this weekend at Treacys West County. Keith O'Neill Director / Coach Darts Academy Ireland.
The "Future" of the game is coming. #nextgeneration
Congratulations to Unicorn Darts Gary Anderson on winning the Coral UK Darts Open for the 1st time defeating Corey Cadby 11-7 in the final...👏👏👏👏👏
For any JDC members travelling over to Premier League in Leeds on thursday
#beastfromtheeast has really crossed the line now. With tonight's Professional Darts Corporation Premier League at The Westpoint Exeter now called off...while you're staying indoors keeping safe why not try your hand at The JDC Junior Darts Corporation grading routine...Darts Academy Ireland score to beat : 1252 (Keane Barry) #jdcchallenge