Funk Fusion is a dance school that provides a fun, friendly, happy atmosphere where each student can learn and progress dance skills while keeping fit. Funk Fusion is a dance school that provides a fun, friendly, happy atmosphere where each student can learn and progress dance skills while keeping fit and having fun.
Tell your friends
facebook.comFunk Fusion is now available for dancing at events, parties ,shows, fundraisers and many more , for any more information or to get in contact please call us on 0852771031 or private mail our page thank you :)
St Patricks GAA Club Tullow
Hi everyone , there will be no dance classes this Friday 14th of April , hope you all have a lovely Easter and I will see you all the following week 🎉
Timeline Photos
Hi everyone , our new term will start on Friday the 7th of April , All new students welcome ! For more information or to register please feel free to contact us by private mail or on 0852771031 ! Class times are as follows : Friday evenings Age 4-7 - 6.00pm-7.00pm Age 8-11- 7.00pm-8.00pm Age 12 up (teen group) -8.00pm-9.00pm
Photos from Funk Fusion Dance Tullow's post
Older class rehearsals 💜💃🏻💃🏻
Photos from Funk Fusion Dance Tullow's post
So proud of our girls dancing at the fight night last night ! They done an absolutely amazing job ! They put in so much work and it payed off! Well done girls ! Safe to say we have a brilliant talented bunch of girls ! And well done to both teams involved in the fight night it was a great night overall ! 🎉
Battle of The Border Fight Night ( St Pats Tullow V Coolkenno
So excited for Saturday night ! Our girls will be providing the entertainment at the Battle of the border fight night in the Seven oaks hotel Carlow ! So proud of my girls for working so hard preparing for this and we can't wait to see how great they do on the night ! Best of luck to both teams fighting on the night from all of us at Funk Fusion !
Coolkenno GAA
Funk Fusion Dance Tullow's cover photo
✨Reminder that dancing is on tonight ✨ Class times are as followed: 6-7 pm = 4-7 year olds 7-8 pm = 8-11 year olds 8-9 pm = 12 up (including older teens) All new students welcome for more information feel free to contact leeanne on 0852771031 or private mail this page Thank you , Leeanne x
Hi everyone ! Hope you all had a great Christmas ! Just a reminder that classes start back as usual this Friday ✨, all new students welcome ! For any information please feel free to private mail this page . Thank you ✨✨
Hi Everyone our Christmas holidays are as follows : No class on the 23rd of December No class on the 30th of December We return on the 6th of January Thank you :)