Patricia, UniSlim Tullow
Phone: 0879125135.
Tues: 6.45 to 8.00pm
Class talk 7.20pm
New members talk 7.45pm
Weigh n' Go 8.00pm to 8.30pm
Tell your friends
facebook.comHealthy eating gives you a healthy body. Healthy bodies loose weight. Patricia 0879125135.
Weekends are all about preparing. Soup for the week. Sprouts for tomorrow and a stew for Monday. I’m all set.
Free to eat in moderation and at a great price in Tesco today.
Stuck for lunch ideas tomorrow. Why not try this omelette. You can make it the night before. Great cold or heater in the microwave at work. Add a large side of mixed salad leaves. Yum.
Getting the week off to a good start. Why not pick up your free recipe book in the mail on Sunday and join you local UniSlim class.
Last week of the free to join promo. First week of a new life!!
It officially ends today. Tomorrow it’s time to get back on track if you haven’t already gotten there. Never too late.