Galvin Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Clinic and Sports Massage, Injuries, Postural Assessment, Physiotherapy Screening, Physiotherapy led Pilates Classes , phone 05793 27562 Physiotherapy for all conditions and injuries, Sports massage, Physiotherapy Screening to prevent injuries. We also hold Physiotherapy led Pilates mat classes for men and women. Tailored to your specific needs. Classes are small and focused on rehabilitation from injury to core strength for the office worker to keen athlete and Post Pregnancy.
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Very interesting read and very common but not normal !
Hip dominant exercises for chronic hip pain graded exposure to the exercises is key 👌🏽💪🏽
•••Sacroiliac pain and pregnancy •••Aggravating pain in lower back worse with turning in bed, first few steps of walking and sitting •••Onset in first trimester but usually towards 2nd and third trimester leg may feel like it could give way Generally with Sij pain there is an inefficiency of the pelvic girdle muscles to transfer load effectively. Our gluteal muscles get weak and our sling muscle groups can be affected by pregnancy due to hormone changes , increased body weight changes in posture and recruitment patterns. ••••Good news is we have loads of exercises you can do during pregnancy to help yourself!••••Simple effective techniques to correct these muscle imbalances ! Why not give us a call today for an assessment
•••Appi Physiotherapist led pilates classes •••Beginner level and Advanced •••Get in touch for more details
Nice little post !
What a better way to spend Valentines Day with the love of your life ....Pilates 😍😍
••••Intermediate /Advanced pilates classes ••••Some spaces left on a Wed night @7pm ••••Why not give Pilates a try if you are struggling with injuries , strength or just to improve at your sport ••• 05793-27562 or 087-4109931
Physiotherapy led Beginner Pilates classes starting Tues 6th of Feb @7pm limited places. Contact Our clinic on 05793-27562 or 087-4109931 😀
Interesting read about Zlatans return so early post ACL injury