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facebook.comSo when it comes to eating, there are so many effective ways of weight loss whether it be CARB CYCLING, INTERMITTENT FASTING or DIETING, the important thing to know is how, when and why we do them, If your goal is fat loss than the only thing you should focus on his to be in a state of being in a healthy caloric deficit, It is a fact that you will loose weight in being in a caloric deficit, so these effective ways can come in handy when wanting to get yourself to the next level, but do not stick to the one system for too long,Remember that too much of the same thing is not good, like food itself, MODERATION, try everything and question everything
CHEAT DAYS! So while were well into January, a lot of you are probably cutting, and so you remain yourself in a deficit of 300-500 calories, bare in mind 500 calorie deficit a day is enough, this will result in a rough estimate of a lose of a pound a week. Now after a while into your new regime you will see great results but its important to note that because your body's in a consistent deficit you will plateau, so once a week you can allow yourself a cheat day, By putting yourself in a caloric surplus once a week by eating whatever you want ( to a degree) you are slowly avoiding your body to adapt to a deficit and plateauing, so its not all doom and gloom Bare in mind, this may not be for beginners with a significant amount of fat only do this when you have your body fat down to a healthy weight, Thanks
Hey guys, So in the new year, there is a lot of advice out there that we should do but in this post here are a just a few small things to avoid, 1, Jumping right in and doing too much too fast, this applies to both training and diet, when highly motivated to train we at times over train which in turn leads to yourself being sore and possibly injured or just too tired to continue on and with diet people tend to cut to a ridiculous amount of calories of like a 1000-1800 deficit in which all they eat is breakfast and a small dinner which will effect your progress of fat loss and can damage your metabolism 2, Please avoid the fat loss pill supplements, the fact the american tv shows hire models to make it look like they are beneficial to your health is bull. simuliar to rugby players getting hired to drink a bottle of pepsi, save your money! 3, Ego, yes you may see your gym friends in march and they will look great saying that they lost nearly a stone which in term may leave you wanting to compete, although this gives you motivation which can be great for your own inspiration but remember that you should only be in competition with yourself, be more stronger than you were last week or be more leaner and better looking than you were last week. Don't be stressing over who is better looking than you, this is a mission for yourself not your next door neighbor
hope you all looking forward to new years
So over the xmas period we are getting distracted a lot and people may want to know how to get good health and fitness results immediately even when they tend to give in to the wrong type of foods which is fine at this time of year so here are some tips that may help you 1, Because your eating more you may want to stop doing so much cardio because there is no point in burning of half of what you've eaten, and still weight gaining so instead put your focus towards weight training, fuel your muscles and grow and the only way to do that is to be in a caloric surplus so there is no better time to grow them muscles 2, increase your intake of fish oil supplements, reason being that being on a normal christmas diet from here on in you will have a high intake of omega 6 fatty acids, by taking omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil you can potentially offset inflamation improving health. 3, Sleep, lack of enough sleep can lead to disease and even obesity so one way to get more sleep is reduce blue light exposure, As you go through your day your body releases a hormone called melatonin from your pineal gland, what this does is it allows us to sleep, because of evolution our bodies are sensitive to blue light which in turn if we are exposed to it, it will keep us awake, iphones and computers expose us to this blue light which in turn confuses are brain to stay awake which has consequences on ourselves, however if this is not possible for you, if you, especially when keeping track of your buisness this commitment will be very difficult and in turn as an alternative you can buy melatonin supplements s from your nearest health store Hope you enjoyed
Hey guys, so now that we may all be in a caloric maintenance or surplus it is the best time to make your gains, so here is a few rules of advvice when it comes to arm training, biceps and triceps 1, Train them more than once a week, that is not enough, you want ideally 3 sessions a week in weight training if you want some real results, 2 sessions at the minimum 2, prioritize your training, don't work biceps tomorrow if you have only done so today 3. Change your movements, sticking to the same exercise limits your growth,it also helps to change the joint angles 4. Change the VOLUME and WEIGHT, doing the same weight over and over with same time will force you to plateau, at which point when you get more advanced in training you may want to consider progressive overload. 5, Range of motion, make sure you are fully using your strength curve and not stopping half way with your technique make sure your getting full range not half range 6, Changing the training itself, experiment with different techniques such as progressive overload, pyramid training, post supersets etc. 7, Just because your training and watching your diet make sure your eating more especially if your weight training, you need to grow so you need all macros, fats, carbs and protein 8, when beginning avoid lifting too heavy, when lifting too heavy with arm training it can force you to use multiple joints such as shoulder and elbow when you really only want to be using the elbow joint Have a nice week
Hey folks, So today I just recovered from a stomach bug and it looks like the bug is going around so here is a quick post on what to eat and what not to eat especially if you have problems like diarrhea or constipation TO EAT: white rice, pancakes,mashed potato, lean meat, oatmeal, farina, cream of wheat ,banana, white bread, past, vegetables Not to eat: Surprisingly, some of the healty food options should be of the table if you have diarrhea, Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, beans. also avoid fruits such as peaches, pears, plums and dried friuts, (apricots, prunes and raisons, also watch out for foods that may have been stored out in the open that you may pick up in the supermarket, it maybe unwashed and handled by unwashed hands Dairy products such as milk, cream, cheese, ice cream, sour cream. Fried food, creamy food, greasy food, gravy , stay well clean of trans fats such as chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks etc.
Hey guys, so I want to add a quick Nutrition tip. So looking at the way we eat and what may be the best way to eat or the best time to eat, when we look at different cultures in the world some eat differently not only diet wise but in terms of how full they get, the life span of the Japanese for example is a lot longer than countries such as irealnd uk and the states, We have been conditioned to eat until we are 100% FULL! The Japanese look specifically into quantity as well as quality, they intake food until they feel 80% full, which can lead to cellular oxidation, indigestion and left feeling gassy!, This not only slows digestion but may also lead to several diseases so try eating till you are 80% full and see how you feel in terms of health and fitness
Hey FOLKS, so xmas is on the way and if thats not getting in your way of fitness goals thats the main thing, so after the last weekend you may feel disappointed in yourself but here are a few things that you can do to keep going 1, weigh yourself in the morning, this will give you a more accurate reading of your total body weight 2, set up a realistic goal, not an unrealistic goal that athletes aim for, that is if your nowhere near that level. Dont put yourself through mental torment 3, FOOD JOURNAL, keep track of what you are eating, by doing this you can analyse the things you dont need aswell as you will get to know the types of food you will need fot your fitness goals 4, Spend more time around the people you know are better for you, they will influence and guide you on the right path, especially if they are intaking the right foods and what is working for them 5, DON'T change your fitness goals overnight, for example dont tell yourself today you want to get a lot bigger and wake up tomorrow wanting to slim down wanting abs, its frustrating for you and the people trying to help you 6, Reward yourself , HAVE a day out from time to time and go traveling, celebrate the fact you are making progress, have a nice weekend
Feeling Bloated? Here are some ways to reduce water retention and bloating. For people, we all have different body types and for this reason we will react differently towards different foods, In our diet however the number 1 enemy for feeling bloated would be the use of gluten, dairy products along with alcohol and artificial sweeteners, one diet you can go on in order to help reduce bloating is the FODMAP diet, by tracking what you eat you can simply pinpoint the foods that are causing issues, AVOID EATING LARGE MEALS, particularly takeaways which in turn reduce digestion and leave the food in your stomach for hours EXERCISING can help prevent bloating, even walking 30 mins after eating a large meal will help but keep in mind wait at least 2-4 hours after eating a large meal if you want to get a long training session or high impact cardio in PROBIOTICS can help in improving gut health, having healthy gut bacteria is a great way in digesting food Here are just simple, nice and easy ways that can help especially coming up to the big halloween weekend or any bank holiday
Hey Folks!, I wanted to add a few ways to help with your recovery time 1, As ive mentioned before sleep is your number 1 priority, lack of sleep can increase fat storage and clearly slow your recovery process for the next time you train which maybe a reason we hit so many plateaus 2, learn to stress out less and even meditate ( head space), set your focus on the people you love and spending time with, the good part of the day and the times you look forward to, another way this will help you is that you transform your mindset from self sabotaging to inspirational which reduces the chances of you comfort eating and staying focused 3, Ensure that you recover with protein primarily, especially if the goal is fat loss, such as whey protein with chicken breast or fish, if the goal is muscle building you want to add roughly 30-50g carb with your protein 4, Using heat shock therapy, the use of sauna's or cold baths are used widely among athletes, reason being reduces muscle soreness, reduces pain and swelling and quickly recovers strength and power 5, enhancing blood flow, after you train in the gym try a low intensity cardio cooldown, such as low bike or cycling, please ensure that you avoid going anywhere between moderate-intensity here as that may increase the risk of injury and slow the process of recovery 6, always ensure that you intake all forms of energy for your diet, as you need all carbs, protein and fats in the long run especially if your gaining muscle, you need to be in a higher caloric intake if weight gain is the goal lastly eat in moderation and enjoy the foods you like from time to time ENJOY! :)