Alchemy Gretta, Intergrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor Trainer
Description SEE OUR CALENDAR! My page is aptly named Alchemy Gretta as working with IET, is to transform metal into Gold! Many people have been healed from depression, bulimia, insomnia, psoriasis, severe pain, viral infections, some forms of cancer and everything else that may cause pain and discomfort. On a Spiritual note, I also share with people why they are here, what their soul's mission may be and how to move upward in Consciousness and attain Ascension while still on Earth.
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Integrated Energy Therapy(R) - Master-Instructor Training will be held at Dungarvan Park Hotel on 24th & 25th June 2017. Join me for two magical days of healing and transformation. By receiving a powerful attunement, you will be empowered to teach many IET therapies and much, much more! Places are currently being filled Tel. Gretta also for Dublin and Cork Master-Instructor training dates: 086-8347729 E:
Healing Circle on 15th February, 7.20 to 9.30pm at Croí na Féile,Tramore. Theme: We will connect with the Angels of the World Angel Grid and the Energy of Compassion to change your life and change the World! Please phone in advance: 086-8347729. €10 - proceeds to Focus Ireland.
Family Constellation Workshop
Family Constellation Workshop on 3rd June - with Edel Moylan B.A. M.Sc. Family Therapy. Saturday 3rd June, 9.45am to 5.30pm. To book: Tel. Edel: 086-4068661 or Gretta: 086-8347729. Fee: €80, €20 deposit to keep a place. This workshop allows you to release the hidden ancestral entanglements which are unconsciously influencing your health and life.
Family Constellation Workshop
This one day Family Constellation Workshop allows you to release the hidden ancesteral entanglements which are unconsciously influencing your life and health. by Edel Moyan, BA, MSc, Family Therapy. 9.45am to 5.00pm. Tel. Edel: 086-4068661 or Gretta 086-8347729.
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Healing Circle this Wednesday, 8th February at Croí na Féile, Strand Road, Tramore. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Please phone in advance.Tel. 086-8347729 Are you ready to receive healing, empowerment and to transform your life? Let's live Angel Ariel's wish "to Heal the World, One Heart at a time". Your €10 donation will make a difference to the homeless.
I apologise for listing the incorrect date (but correct day) in my post for the Healing Circle at Croí na Féile, Tramore. It will take place on Wednesdays, beginnig 25th January. Please Telephone or text me to let me know if you can join us, to ensure a place. Thank you. Tel. 0868347729
The Healing Circle evening date at Croí na Féile, Tramore has been changed to Wednesday 24th January, 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Experience Angel Healing techniques e.g. the Angelic Heartlink, The Blessing Bowl process, a mini IET healing session and a cuppa! Join us for these magical evenings! :-) €10 - proceeds to the homeless. Gretta: Tel. 086-8347729
I extend a warm welcome to you to join us in our Healing Circles beginning 24th January at Croí na Féile, Tramore Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm. €10 donation to the homeless. Experience deep healing with the energy of the World Angel Grid and the Angelic Heartlink process; manifest your dreams with the Blessing Bowl process, while working with a soul buddy: receive a mini IET session - and more! Open to all - no training necessary. Tel. 086-8347729
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You are welcome to join us for the training of Integrated Energy Therapy(R) - Healing with Angels, on 14th, 15th & 16th January. Venue: Croí na Féile, Tramore. Begin the new year with this deep cellular healing, bringing peace and focus to your life - to attract and live your soul's mission with ease and joy! Choose from 1, 2 or 3 days together. Tel. 086-8347729
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I would like to wish you, all our sisters, brothers and sentient beings on Planet Earth, Peace and Love for Christmas/this Festive Season and for it to continue throughout 2017 and all future years. Sending Angel Heartlinks of Love & Light to all and around Planet Earth.:-) Gretta.
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A Heartfelt Congratulations to Elizabeth McCue and Annette Higgins who today completed their Advanced levels in Integrated Energy Therapy(R) training at Croí na Féile, Tramore, Co. Waterford. I wish you both an abundance of blessings in your future careers and in your lives! :-)