Top Local Places

Glorious Sushi

, Tramore, Ireland
Grocery Store


087 68 15 897



Loving our new packaging for our veg noodles

Loving our new packaging for our veg noodles

Very proud to sponsor VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB (u13's) this year. Let's hope it's very successful for the club.

Very proud to sponsor VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB (u13's) this year. Let's hope it's very successful for the club.

They said to send noodles, so we did.. Glorious Noodles 😍

They said to send noodles,  so we did.. Glorious Noodles ๐Ÿ˜

Time to sort that Humpday hunger 😍😍😍

Time to sort that Humpday hunger ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Something Glorious for less than โ‚ฌ10 on a Tuesday 👌

Something Glorious for less than โ‚ฌ10 on a Tuesday ๐Ÿ‘Œ

You still have time to grab one of these on your way home from work 😍 No better way to start the week.

You still have time to grab one of these on your way home from work ๐Ÿ˜ No better way to start the week.

Sundayโ€™s dessert is ...Anmitsu, which is a common desert served in the warmer months. It's a combination of anko and cubes of agar (clear jelly). Other ingredients can include mochi, fruit, nuts, and macha flavored ice cream. A cup of black syrup is also served on the side.

Sundayโ€™s dessert is ...Anmitsu, which is a common desert served in the warmer months. It's a combination of anko and cubes of agar (clear jelly). Other ingredients can include mochi, fruit, nuts, and macha flavored ice cream. A cup of black syrup is also served on the side.

The history of Sushi explained in a picture 😎

The history of Sushi explained in a picture ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Did you know .. - Inari sushi is a type of rice ball that is very popular in Japanese culture. It is sushi rice stuffed in seasoned Aburaage tofu pouches that closely resemble most of the sushi delicacies served in Japanese restaurants. #sushifacts

Did you know  .. - Inari sushi is a type of rice ball that is very popular in Japanese culture. It is sushi rice stuffed in seasoned Aburaage tofu pouches that closely resemble most of the sushi delicacies served in Japanese restaurants. #sushifacts

Our Glorious Noodles in full production at the moment. Available in all good retailers like Ardkeen Quality Food Store. Perfect for that lunchtime snack.

Our Glorious Noodles in full production at the moment. Available in all good retailers like Ardkeen Quality Food Store. Perfect for that lunchtime snack.

Glorious Sushi "you Maki me feel so good"

Glorious Sushi "you Maki me feel so good"

The day Val from the Irish Examiner came to visit =)

The day Val from the Irish Examiner came to visit =)


NEAR Glorious Sushi

Vic Deli

Tramore, Ireland
Local Business