Cocoon Natural Fertility & Gynaecology Clinic
Providing Natural Healthcare for Women We are specialists in providing natural fertility, gynaecology and obstetric healthcare for women from adolescence to post-menopause.
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Alan Sheehy with Dathi o'Shea and Patrick Sheehy at the Southern Kingdom/ Cocoon stand at the Killorglin BOI expo.
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Tickets for this event are now on sale. Promises to be fun worthwhile. All proceeds to Kerry Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre. Call 087 2480723.
Early onset psoriasis cleared in 8 weeks in our clinic using TCM, Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Medical Qi Gong and dietary therapy. Acupuncture - Dolores Prendeville. Herbal Medicine and Medical Qi Gong - Alan Sheehy. Dietary therapy - Becky Steele
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This treatment and coaching is ow available in Cocoon and is open to both men and women. TCM, Qi Gong diagnosis and treatment of your specific condition. For appointment call 087 2480723. Alan Sheehy.
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Medical Qi Gong for Ease of Labour available at our clinic with individual instruction.
Can endometriosis be treated using TCM? The short answer is yes. There are many studies to show the effects. However it is not a one size fits all approach. Each individual is diagnosed individually because even though the western medicine diagnosis is endometriosis, Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account the presenting symptoms the person may have, which can be many and varied even with the same condition, but also the underlying condition. This is the beauty of TCM. This is where an excellent practitioner can see the presenting condition and the underlying condition and tailor the treatment approach to take all of this into account. Because endometriosis is such a complicated condition nothing less than this multi layered strategy in treatment will do. At Cocoon this is our approach in terms of treatment. Here we are talking about treatment.
What is endometriosis? The lining of the womb is called the endometrium. Normally in a woman's body after puberty under the influence of female Hormones it grows during her cycle and breaks down creating her monthly period. For some reason not quite fully understood yet, a woman has some of this endometriotic tissue adhering to structures outside of the womb in her abdomen. During her monthly cycle it behaves in exactly the same way as it would if it were in the womb causing bleeding pain within the abdomen.
In the coming week we will discuss endometriosis, it's possible causes and treatment from a Western Medicine perspective and TCM. Can it be treated and treated successfully?
For the men in your lives, it is good to know that we are not restricted to treating our female clients only. We treat our male clients with the same level of confidentiality. Whether they suffer from impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, motility or morphology problems, we will view any underlying issues and treat accordingly. In general TCM is successful in a lot of these issues.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine whats known as "Dai" forms a serious study. So what is Dai? Dai is any discharge that is different from normal menstrual, cervical or vaginal fluid. It can come in four forms, white, yellow, green or red dai. The colours indicate increase in Heat taking place. The reasons for Dai can be many and varied and may depend on an aspect of the persons constitution as well as their present state of health. In our clinic we will diagnose, advise and treat accordingly.
The word ‘menopause’ frightens the life out of most people
“The word menopause frightens the life out of most people, male and female. It’s like this dirty little secret that people are afraid to discuss, possibly because of the ageing connotations,” Keane says. Lorraine Keane
Cocoon Natural Fertility & Gynaecology Clinic