Paula Hickey Herbalife Wellness Coach
This page will have plenty of advice regarding weight mangement and nutrition.
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facebook.comWHO (World Health Organisation) has announced in a new study that in just 15 years time, Ireland is on course to be the most OBESE country in Europe. !!!! THESE ARE SHOCKING STATISTICS!!! Take control of your LIFE, HEALTH & WELLNESS act NOW!!!! Call me today for your FREE Wellness Evaluation and ask about our 3 day trials. Call me @ 083 4199417 or pm here. It's a decision you WONT regret!
Remember that promise you made yourself between christmas and new years that you were going to change ''next year'' once and for all.Your going to change your life, your shape and your energy levels in 2016.Now that's it's here, you have no idea where to start!!!! Can't get yourself going. YOU need help, encouragement and motivation to achieve your goals I can help you achieve all of the above. I'm prepared to give you a FREE wellness evaluation , NUTRITIONAL ADVICE and a FULL BODY ANALYSIS if you are serious about about change. WHY?.... Because I want to get people moving more and eating healthier. GIVE ME A CALL 083 4199417 IF YOU NEED MY HELP.
Folks only 2 three day trial pack left in stock, PM if you are interested. The best decision you will ever make! It's never too late to get a FREE wellness evaluation, so PM if you are interested.
Why Herbalife Products [HQ]
Herbalife is not a diet, its about having a healthy active lifestyle, there's the difference! Have a look at this video and you will be surprised!
10 ways to increase your water intake
.On the back of the RTE programme SUGAR CRUSH, which was aired last night.,Monday 11th, I'm sure you would be concerned about how much sugar all your family is actually taking. I may have the perfect solution for you. I can provide a complete meal in smoothie form, 8 delicious flavours, and sugar content the equivalent of what you would find in an apple. It is suitable for all.. INTERESTED and want to know more. Contact me on 083 4199417
CAN you HELP? ... I am training to be a Herbalife Wellness Coach specializing in helping people improve their diets. As part of my training I URGENTLY need to practice these and need some volunteers. It takes about 45 minutes and I guarantee you will learn a lot of really useful information about your body composition and the good & bad in your diet. There will probably be a few surprises too I do hope some of my friends out there can help?? If so please PM me ASAP. Thanks, Paula.