From 19th-21st August 2016, Cashel will hold its second annual Cashel Rocks Festival. All funds raised will go to local community resources. For those of you wondering what this is all about, here's some information.
30 years ago after being inspired by Live Aid, the local community came together and raised money for Cashel for Africa, a great event that brought the community together and raised money for a worthy cause.
Well, this time around 30 years later, we're hosting a festival to raise funds for local charities and to showcase:
*Local Bands
*And all the great people and wonderful things Cashel has to offer
Sounds pretty good eh?
So why not get involved? If you're part of a band or musician, into art/crafts or any other performing arts and you're interested in getting involved or to have a stall etc, please don't hesitate to ask. Contact us below:
Mobile : 089-2531224
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