Cork based Personal Stylist,Mum of 2 who has a passion for Fashion. I will makeover your wardrobe & take you shopping from €50 per hour. #wardrobefairy Services: Personal Shopping for Women & Men, Wardrobe Makeovers, Style Parties, Corporate Style Events, Fashion shows
Training & Qualifications:
Joan Cashman Colour & Image Academy, Cork
Limperts Academy in Image Consultancy, Dublin
NHJ Style Academy, London
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facebook.comYou'd never think it from my smiley silly face but im now the proud bearer of 11 mozzie bites. Im officially a Dr Pimple Popper candidate!!! The absolute bastards can sniff me out from a ten mile radius!! I might add that not one mozzie bite between them for the rest of my crew. Im the only one!! Of course Himself is putting it down to all the wine sweetening my blood. Well he'd be right there!!! Another LARGE Rose please!!! Happy Tuesday!!! #PenneysHeadToToe #Jollies #MozzieWoes #SpainLife #WeakReally 😍😍xxxx
Dont forget to Smile!!! #TooCute 😊 xxxx
Now thats an LBD!!! #Class ❤️ xxxx
Coming to a Tesco near you!! #PinkGin 💗 xxx
#Guilty!!! 😂😂😂 xxxxx
So last year t'was the lovely German ladies who were rather partial to getting their puppies out in the pool. At one point the pool almost resembled #TitSoup Needless to say All the dads were beside themselves!! This year we have to contend ourselves with the lovely Swedish ladies at the beach. Of course himself is havin a good ole GAWK from behind his Raybans while secretly pretending to read his boring book.... LOL!!😅The pre-teen doesn't know where to look. This level of debauchery #BouncingWetBoobs is all too much for an almost teenage boy. He is DYING of embarrassment in front of me. I did ask him what his thoughts were on the situation & this was met with a filthy look & the usual "You DO realise you are SO embarrassing" I'll quit while Im ahead!! Tis like a scene from a soft porn movie. There they are frolicking & splashing in the waves not a care in the world. Squealing & jumping on top of each other. Dont know where to look myself!! Once years ago when i was young & stupid I dabbled in a spot of topless bathing.... #TheMammy nearly took to the bed when she found out!! The absolute SHAME of it!! If I'm totally honest I almost burnt my nipples off so needless to say I never did it again. After this post Im now the proud owner of a rather sandy arse. So now im going to take myself & my rather sandy arse, bikini top intact & join the Swedish fillies for a little dip & a rince. #BeachLife #SandyArses #SandyToes #SaltyKisses #Weak ☀️👙🌊💛
Stunning top from H&M!!! #Need 💗 xxxx
Top of the mornin to ya!!!! I quite clearly cant cope!!! 😍 xxx
Second night on me ole jollies & givin these Penneys satin effect shorts a lash!! Love them!! No full length mirror for the ole style selfies but on the up side Im #UtterlyWeakForMeKnickers You can probably tell by my silly face. Happy Sunday!!! ❤️ xxxx
Summer Lovin!!! 💛 xxx
Summer Lovin!!! ☀️xxxxxx
😂😂😂😂🙌🏻 xxxxx