Setanta College is an online college specialising in delivery of Strength & Conditioning studies.
Setanta College is an online college specialising in delivery of Strength & Conditioning studies. Courses range from short professional programmes to Certificate, Degree and Masters level courses in Strength & Conditioning. All courses are fully accredited and recognised internationally.
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Another great podcast featuring Dr. Liam, and this time he sat down with the up and coming Robbie Bourke. (If you aren't familiar with his name then he is definitely a one to watch). Robbie and Liam had a chat about Influencers, Coaching Pedagogy, Mastery and lots more, and its all recorded in the latest All Things Strength & Wellness podcast. Below you'll see a breakdown of their conversation and you can click on the link to tune in:
A busy day was had in the SportsLab yesterday where students took part in Endurance, Coaching Technology, Data Management and Sports Specific Studies practicals – just to name a few! In the images below you’ll see students recording the knee angle for the bosco index, Vo2 max testing and lastly it was the final module for some students who have also completed the BSc in Strength and Conditioning. A tremendous amount of work was put in as they delivered excellent presentations to Dr. Liam and tutor, Tom Carr. Well done to all and a special congratulations to those in their final module, we wish them all the best as they complete their studies over the next few weeks.
Here's a quick video of one element of our workshop today, below you'll see Raf completing the bosco index jump with his body-weight on his back, a full 85kg. This is a very demanding test and should only be completed with experienced athletes who have strong experience in resistance training and demonstrate good technique in both the back squat and jump.
We have to applaud our athletes for the level of dedication and commitment they put into their sport, it can't go unrecognised. Which is why we are delighted to be partnered with World Rugby and Rugby Players Ireland in order to provide the best educational support to players. With online courses and discounts for members you can find out all the details on
Results of a national survey undertaken by the Science Foundation and the GAA has indicated today that Irish children, due to inactivity are restricted in their movement and have lost the ability to ‘play’. The article outlines a number of different reasons why the next generation have a lack of basic skills including an increase in popularity of smart devices, cautious parents or lack of school resources or willingness in some cases. A very interesting article which definitely provides some food for thought on the future of fitness in Ireland, ability to perform later in life and what affect inactivity has on our children’s cognitive development, confidence and social skills.
It's essential to know details of each exercise you corporate into your training programme, ensure you preform it correctly, know its benefits and why it is of particular relevance to you. For those of you who practice the Turkish Get Up, or would like to, here is a great video with detail about the movement from Setanta tutor Noel Flynn.
With major changes occurring in the sporting world, Setanta College has identified a potential gap in the industry for professionals with a key understanding of Performance Science. We developed a Masters Programme that will equip individuals with key skill sets in human performance to fill the growing demand for such specialists. In our latest blog by Dr. Liam, you can find out about how the industry is advancing, fundamental elements to our programme and how it can benefit coaches, trainers and athletes.
We've already given you an introduction into our first module but what is the second step? Check out Setanta tutor, Ben, talk about Resistance Training, what key elements are involved and why it is so important for coaches and athletes. If you're interested in finding out more about our courses you can check out our website or download a brochure here: If you have any questions, our team would be happy to help. Give us a call on +353 504 267 23 😊
We're delighted to have teamed up with Garryowen Rugby Club to bring another great Youth Development Camp where we teach kids from 4 - 12 in how to learn and develop key skills and fundamental movements while having good fun along the way! Well done to our 2017 group and enjoy the rest of the week!
Last weekend at the London World Championships we heard the news that Usain Bolt has announced his retirement and we’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate him on his outstanding career. As a sporting hero, we’ve often heard him being referred to as the 'greatest sprinter of all time'. With speed, character and an excellent surname, we have to admire him both on and off the track. Not only for his determination and commendable personality, but also for becoming a role model in the industry for current and potential athletes. We’ve no doubt the 8 Gold Medal Olympian will be missed at future events but his legacy will go on as he departed with these words,"I've proved with hard work anything is possible. I personally think this is a good message to the kids. Push on, be strong, be as good as you can be. That's a good legacy to leave."