Shortt's Drapery
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Cooper Helmets now back in stock. JNR and SNR available. SK100 & SK109.
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Continue your bargain hunting, our Black Friday continues all day today again. All stock (excluding Schoolwear) half price. Open during lunch.
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The Bargains are flying out the doors, remember don't leave it too late. All stock half price, (Excludes Schoolwear) this Friday & Saturday during our Black Friday Event.
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Gearing up for our first Black Friday Event, this weekend (Friday & Saturday) All stock half price. Don't lose out.
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Help us get the word out there, Hit "LIKE" on our new facebook page and help us spread the word
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Black Friday this weekend. All stock (excluding schoolwear) Half Price.
Due to technical issues we lost our old facebook page so hit like on our new page and keep up to speed with whats going on with us.
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Shortt's Drapery