Innovation Renovation
Innovation Renovation is your complete building services provider. Contact today to discuss in further detail.
Construction Services: Any type of building work or service, domestic or commercial can be completed to the clients requirement.
Health and safety Services: Production of polices, safety statements, safety plans as well as site visits and handover files are all services on offer.
Advice and quotes are free and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch today.
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Required: Subcontractors off all trades for project and private construction works. Work will range from small and large projects alike. Sole-traders/ Tradesmen welcome. Must be diligent, competent and willing to work to a program of works Contact today to arrange a meeting. 074 9890121 or 0894957853. Email:
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Project Estimation: Contractors and Subcontractors, If you require assistance or full tendering services for any project, please do not hesitate to call today. Reasonable hourly or package rates available. Ensure you never miss out on competing for the latest projects. Contact for further information. Tel: 089 4957853 or 074 98 90121 or email
Construction Health and Safety Services provided
Please like and share folks, these services would be off particular interest to designers, Contractors and Sub-contractors
Distinct (One off) Health and safety Services – (Contractors and Subcontractors) Production of Company safety statements Production of project specific Method statements and Risk Assessments Production off handover files Site visits including report for Auditing purposes Induction talk template and training Toolbox talk template and training Arranging site specific or construction based training Project site file set-up We can also assist you with compliance regarding BCAR if required. Call or email today for a no-obligation quote for any Health and Safety and compliance requirement you may have.
PCSC Services: (Applicable to Contractor) • Can undertake the role of the PSCS for the entire project including a Health and safety officer to meet the requirements based on project size • Construction Phase Health and Safety File • Completing AF2 and sending to HAS • Evacuation procedures • Welfare and storage layout plan • All site inductions • Site safety representative on site at all times. • Site file set-up. • Daily site safety management. • Contractors risk assessment and method statement production • Sub-contractor safety management • Production of Safety handover file
Innovation Renovation Limited offers a wide range of Health and safety solutions for companies and individuals within construction: Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (construction Regulations 2013) Act, almost all construction projects now must appoint a PSDP and a PSCS prior to works commencing. These rules and these roles in particular place a wide range of obligations on Contractors and Designers alike. My Company is now offering a range of services to assist in these projects as follows: PSDP service: (Applicable to Designers and Clients) • Assisting in Health and safety design preparation and appointment off PSCS • Completing AF1 and sending to HSA • Preliminary Health and Safety Plans • PSCS Management and Audit (Site visit once per week or as directed by Client) • Ensuring review of information for Handover file from PSCS to client
Subcontractors are asked to provide their company Health and safety statement, Risk assessment and Method statement for each individual project by main contractors. We are now able to assist in the production off these documents. If you are a subcontractor and wish to ensure compliance with these requirements, call today for assistance and a no-obligation quote. Tel: 089 4957853 or 074 9890121, Email: Please like and share
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All construction projects must now appoint a PSDP and a PSCS to manage and oversee the consideration of the health, safety and welfare of all relevant parties associated with a particular project. Innovation Renovation now offers these services to Clients, Designers and contractors alike. Alternatively assistance, advise and distinct services can be offered also. Call or email today for your no obligation quote or discussion. Tel: 089 4957853 or 074 9890121, Email: Please like and share