Phil Kelly has 30 years experience in Acupuncture Homeoepathy and Vega Allergy Testing
Contact her here or at her new clinic.
Using a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM Acupuncture and Herbs), Homeoepathy and Vega Allergy Testing we have helped to resolve many symptoms that make everyday life stressful for many people . Due to our extremely personal and professional approach we have many clients who will happily vouch for our treatments. Some of the conditions we have treated successfully are, digestive upsets ie Bloating,pain,constipation,heartburn etc. PMS and all female health problems.Skin rashes,headache ,joint pain etc.
On the Beauty Side we offer the incredibly popular CACI noninvasive Facelift. This treatment has been acclaimed by many well known people. During the One Hour treatment the underlying muscles are given a gentle electric pulse to tone and strengthen them , the skin becomes smooth and softer and wrinkles are smoothed individually giving a natural Lift appearance and glowing complexion.
Contact us on telephone or email for further information.
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We know the feeling today! #midweekslump
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We hope nobody steels our sausages tomorrow morning :) Have a lovely weekend everybody
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I have been practicing acupuncture for over 30 years with great results. Some of the areas that i have treated over the years are: Musculoskeltal conditions Neurological conditions Gynecological symptoms Respiratory problems Gastrointestinal conditions Smoking
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Good Morning Can you read between the lines to see our little friend? :)
I Love Terenure
Some of you have been asking 'WHAT IS VEGA TESTING?' Well here is some information about it: Vega testing is a non-invasive method of Electro-Dermal screening first developed about 65 years ago in Germa- ny. Dr. Reinhold Voll, M.D. This technology was launched in the 1950’s and called ielectro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV).The Vega Test machine electronically measured galvanic skin response. Bioelectric energy flows along particular pathways within the body, much like a circuit board, and links internal organs with more than 100 acupuncture points throughout the body. When blockage occurs along these pathways (meridians), bioelectric energy accumu- lates, eventually resulting in illness. This method measures the body’s ability to conduct energy and is designed to indicate disruption in the flow of this energy along these pathways or meridians. The Vega Test accurately helps the physician identify illnesses in their pre-clinical or early stages of develop- ment. The Vega Test is not intended as a replacement for standard methods of evaluation, but as a complimentary tool to help assess the cause of illness. The Vega Test method utilizes an instrument with two hand electrodes: One is a testing probe and the other a patient ground. A single point on either the hand or foot is used as the test point through which all measurements are repeated- ly made. After proper calibration of the instrument is achieved for each individual patient, assessment information can be obtained by the introduction of ampoules containing homeopathically diluted test preparations or other substances into the measurement circuit. Applications of the Vega Test include: food sensitivities, environmental sensitivities, organ dysfunction, and vita- min/mineral status.
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Here is the full list of foods we test for at the clinic. If you think any of these foods may be affecting you in any way, we can help you find out. Contact us here for more information or to book an appointment
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Happy New Year from the Phil Kelly Clinic One of our new years resolutions is to believe in ourselves a little more, aim high and never give up. Heres to an amazing 2016