Sligo Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning worship at 11.30am. CAFFE (Coffee and Fellowship for Everyone) after in the Church Hall.
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facebook.comEveryone welcome to join us in helping lift 1,000 people out of poverty in Ethiopia - with Tearfund Ireland and Spirit Radio. #tearfundireland #spiritradio
All ladies welcome to attend tonight at 8pm!
All ladies are invited to come along to hear more about growing vegetables with Tess Marsden.
If there's anyone in the congregation that would like to order the Presbyterian Herald this year please speak to Rose.
Our Sunday School kids had fun learning about Nehemiah today and rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem together!
We'd love to have you join us this Sunday morning at 11:30am! We're continuing to look at Mark's Gospel and who Jesus is - the King with authority over all things. Everyone most welcome.
The Henry Ford Story, as told by George Conn, was very informative and gave a great insight into his life and business. It also challenged us about our faith. Delighted that Mrs Poole joined us for the evening - her grandmother was a sister to Henry Ford!