Adult Evening Classes at Mercy College, Sligo
Adult Education Classes in Art, Computers, English as a second language, French and Italian will commence in Mercy College, Sligo on February 23rd.
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facebook.comHello! Sorry for the inconvenience but there will be no art class this evening For the new term, we need a number of participants for the class; a minimum of 4 people per class. if you could give this page a direct message with your name and details that would be great! Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Hello! This is a note to remind every one that there will be no art class this week or next week as the school building will be closed for the Easter break. Art classes will resume Tuesday 5 April at 7.30pm Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Easter break x
Just a quick reminder that the art classes are on this evening at 7.30pm! Newcomers always welcome. Paints and paper will be supplied. Tonight, participants will have to bring in their own paintbrushes (My brushes have gone walkabaout in the art room!) but there will be some available. Have a lovely evening and I look forward to seeing you all!
Photos from Adult Evening Classes at Mercy College, Sligo's post
Hello! A big thank you to our art class participants on Tuesday! We focused tones; working from dark to light in acrylics as we painted a small still life. Next week we'll be tackling a much larger piece! Spaces are still available and art materials are supplied. Classes are 10 euro each Our next class is Tuesday 15 March 7.30-8.30 PM New members are always welcome! Have a lovely week everyone x
Photos from Adult Evening Classes at Mercy College, Sligo's post
Hello! Just letting everyone know that the Art Classes will now start at 7.30pm every Tuesday until Easter 🎨 If anyone is interested in acrylic painting techniques, feel free to come along! Paints and brushes supplied. Kind Regards, Adult Evening Classes
Photos from Adult Evening Classes at Mercy College, Sligo's post
Hello! This is the Facebook page for the Adult Education Evening Classes at the Mercy College, Chapel Hill, Sligo. There will be Adult Education Classes in the following subjects: -Art -Computers -English as a second language -French -Italian Classes will commence in Mercy College Sligo on February 23rd at 8pm. All classes and levels are subject to demand. For further information email: