Essential Seconds - Charity Shop
Essential Seconds Charity Shop
Where you are sure to find what you need at a bargain price, and help the work of the MS Centre at the same time!
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facebook.comEssential Seconds Charity Shops in Sligo and Ballymote will resume business as usual tomorrow Saturday and will open from 10am to 6pm. Many thanks to our manager Vincent and his band of loyal volunteers for all their help during the bad weather. If you are looking for children and adult clothing, bric-a-brac, or furniture (Ballymote Shop) do call in and you are sure to find just what you are looking for at the right price. Essential Seconds Charity Shops are a service of the MS North West Therapy Centre and all profits go to providing supports and services to people with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological conditions and their families.
Due to Status Red Weather Warning, Essential Seconds Charity Shops in Sligo and Ballymote will remain closed on Thursday and Friday. They will reopen on Saturday dependent on the weather. Log in here for updated situation.
Essential Seconds Ballymote, November Clearance Sale is starting Tomorrow until Saturday. Great deals on Men's suits and Ladies Jackets!
Pictured below Fintan Conlon, Geevagh Annual Cycle presenting Vincent Hunt Ms North West Therapy Centre with a cheque for €542 money raised from their recent cycle night at Paddy’s Bar, Geevagh. The MS Centre Management and Fundraising Committee would like to thank all the members who organised the event, and everyone who attended and contributed to the event.
Pre-loved books for all you book lovers. #Ballymote#Essentialseconds#Charityshop
This beautiful pre-loved pine dining room table and four chairs are priced at €50 at Ballymote Essential Seconds Shop!
Ballymote Essential Seconds Charity Shop is now stocked with Men's suits that are like new and priced at €25
Have a look at what Sligo & Ballymote Essential Seconds Charity Shop have in store!
MS North West Therapy Centre and Woodhaven Holiday Facility as well as Essential Seconds Charity Shops in Sligo and Ballymote will be closed today due to national weather warning.