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Sunshine After Rain Reiki and Holistic Treatments

Blossom Hill, Hazelwood Avenue, Sligo, Ireland
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



Reiki is a Japanese form of healing. It is based on the principle that we have 7 energy points located in our bodies. Reiki promotes relaxation & wellness. My name is Fionnuala Mitchell, I am a Reiki practitioner and master, after completing my Reiki level 1, 2 & 3 in 2014. I am currently in my final year as a psychotherapy student. You may say I’m new to this game. And yes, I agree I am new... and fresh and have an enthusiastic approach and a zest for embracing just what Reiki has to offer this wonderful Universe of ours.

Having previously being a sceptic about spiritual work I would like to think that I now provide a service that the sceptic is willing to investigate...out of curiosity!

My aim is to provide a space for all those who feel their spirit is lacking, who believe that there has to be more than just ‘this’ to life, and those who are adjusting to change and want to look inward at who they are. At, Sunshine After Rain I offer time out from everyday life in a nurturing, caring, confidential environment.

Many clients experience a spiritual awakening after Reiki, and I am proud to say many of my own clients have also reported this. These awakenings are what draws me deeper to the benefits of Reiki. Reiki admittedly is an abstract form of healing but what makes me and my clients believe so much in it is the feeling of well being and clarity for the client after a session or indeed a course of 3 sessions which is optimal. Many sessions have provided me with an intuitive insight into the client’s life. I have noticed my psychic ability is increasing at a rapid pace and have often been able to advise clients to get specific areas of their body checked with their doctor. Often clients report that there was indeed something that needed medical intervention and I would like to think that the Reiki session they had at Sunshine After Rain provided them with the insight to have early intervention. While I continue to be a student at the University Of Life my formal education saw me taking a career in The Hospitality Industry, studying initially in Killybegs Catering College. From here I think it’s fair to say I learned a lot about working under pressure, people management and personnel issues. I was quickly promoted to management in one of my first positions at the ripe young age of 19, when I thought I had no more to learn from life!

Four years later I took a career change and a permanent pensionable position in the healthcare industry appealed to me. The opportunities to young mums with career breaks and flexible working hours seemed the way to go for a ‘pre-family’ woman. I went on to get married and have 4 beautiful babies, who have now all outgrown me in stature!

Life experience many years later forced me down an initially uncomfortable road of self exploration. From this experience (which is ongoing) I find I am at my happiest ever. I was never convinced that I would find my ‘true path in life’ that I heard so many others talking about, but I have, and I continue to be fascinated about my journey and those I meet along the way. Every person I meet is an education to me. Whether it’s a positive or negative experience it’s still an experience! Which leads me to remember a quote from, Carl Jung Psychotherapist...

RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS This is really worth watching and watching again until it sinks in

Setsu Shin means to "touch the spirit", to get in touch with the vital energy (KI) that supports and protects our body, in order to facilitate its flow in a correct way, overcoming the impediments that cause imbalance, pain and disease. In Japan, the term originally referred to both the diagnosis and the treatment, o ered by hand contact, where the role of the hands was to "penetrate" into the patient's physical and subtle structure. Setsu Shin is based on the typically Eastern concept that our essence manifests through our physical state, which, in its ceaseless mutation, constantly resonates with the Form that consolidates and defines it. Master Gio’ Fronti is a Healer from Milan, Italy. For over 30 years he has been a practitioner and researcher on spiritual oriental practices, arts and paths (zen, yoga, tantra, shamanism, martial arts) as well as a comparative mythology and traditional Chinese medicine scholar. In 1987 he founds the Hara Yoga practice. He concerns himself with transmitting the founding principles of the Hara Yoga Ethics and its teachings: the Five Ways. In love with Ireland, he is pleased to o er his healing treatments in Sligo, working jointly with people towards their energetic rebalancing and psycho-physical wellbeing. To book an appointment or for more information, please message me in private or contact me: +353 (0)87 674 3790 Thank you!

My favourite oil I use regularly in Reiki and my homemade moisturiser. Guaranteed to instantly lift the spirits. ....

Good morning.. Hope your long weekend was good to you


NEAR Sunshine After Rain Reiki and Holistic Treatments