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The Corner Bar

37 Bridge Street, Skibbereen, Ireland



O'Brien's Corner Bar in Skibbereen is the oldest pub in West Cork, established in 1877, run by four generations.Famous for traditional Irish music sessions We have a well established Singers Club which occurs on the first Friday on every month. This has been running for 15 years. Guest singers have included Niamh Parsons, Tim Dennehy, Eleanor Shanley, Karan Casey, John Spillane, The Begley Sisters. The full list of past and future singers can be seen on
Singers are very welcome to come join in.

We have traditional Irish music sessions every Saturday night throughout the year. In the summer months we have also have sessions on Monday nights. We also have sessions on Sunday nights on each bank holiday. Musicians have included Dave Hennessy, Mick Daly, Mairead Casey, Pat O'Sullivan, The Fuschia Band, The O'Grourke Brothers, Brian Hennessy, Brendan McCarthy, Derry Moynihane and many more. The late Seamus Creagh was the main musician for many years.

We have two open fireplaces to allow you to relax next to the fire with a great drink.

The Corner Bar is the meeting spot for local road bowlers and many the score has been celebrated and comiserated at the bar counter!


Hi everybody, We are open Good Friday . Easter Saturday our musicians are the Grourke brothers Albert and Declan and Pat O'Sullivan. 10pm Box, banjo, guitar , vocals . Easter Sunday 10pm. Our musicians are Brendan McCarthy and Derry Moynihan Banjo, guitar, vocals. Wishing you all a very happy Easter.

Hi everybody, Our musicians this Saturday night are Brian McGuillicuddy, Eoin Verling, and Mick Heffernan. Banjo, guitar, box and flute. 10pm.

Hi everybody, We have a Traditional Irish Music Session St Patrick's night at 7pm Brendan McCarthy and Derry Moynihan Banjo, guitar, vocals,

Hi everybody, Our musicians this Saturday night are Mick Daly and Geraldine O'Callaghan 10pm. Vocals, fiddle and guitar.

Hi everybody, Our musicians tonight are Rubicon. 10pm Vocals ,guitar, tin whistle and fiddle.

Hi everybody, Our musicians tonight are Dave Hennessy and Kat and Mairead Casey 10pm Box, flute and fiddle. Traditional Irish Music.

Hi everybody, Our musicians tonight are Brendan McCarthy and Derry Moynihan 10pm. Traditional Irish Music Session, banjo, guitar , vocals . Friday 23rd 9pm sharp , the Gaelscoil are having a table quiz , €40 per team . Quiz master is John Collins. Excellent prizes on the night.

Hi everybody , Our musicians Saturday night are Mick Daly and Geraldine O'Callaghan 10pm Guitar , vocals, fiddle

Hi everybody, Friday 2nd February our guest singer is Vincent Crowley 10pm. Saturday 3rd Dave Hennessy and Kat and Mairead Casey 10pm. Traditional Irish Music, box, fiddle, and flute.

Hi everybody, Ou musicians tonight are Rubicon. Vocals , guitar, tin whistle, fiddle . 10pm


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