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Scratch My Pork

Skibbereen, Skibbereen, Ireland
Food & Beverage Company



Pork Crackling with an Irish twist! Delicious gluten free, dairy free & MSG free savoury snack in 3 flavours; Salt n' Vinegar, Salted & Smokey. Available in Ireland. Scratch My Pork is a new & unique savoury snack which has never before been produced for the Irish market!  Scratch My Pork snacks provide consumers with an alternative to crisps, bacon fries, and popcorn, etc. Scratch My Pork products, available in 3 distinct flavours, Salt n' Vinegar, Salted & Smokey, and are now available in retail outlets, pubs & off-licenses throughout Ireland.  

Scratch My Pork is Pork Crackling. This is a natural product made from pork rind, cooked at specific temperatures with our unique spices resulting in a crunchy, crispy, flavorsome, good value and nutritious snack, with our own catchy slogan & branding called ‘Scratch My Pork’.


I feel like this guy today. A lazy Sunday with a bag of Scratch My Pork. Keep on Scratching.

Scratch My Pork is high in protein & is great for the long walks around Ireland. Scratch My Pork is a big fan of Operation Transformation Keep on Scratching

Amazing screening of Skibbereen based David Puttman's four part documentary tonight. If you missed it I would recommend you locate it on the RTE player A real much watch.

Only a few weeks left. Can't wait for the Six Nations Rugby. Keep on Scratching.

Innovation at its best. Congrats to Simon Meehan. Well deserved.

Wishing the kids all the best returning to school tomorrow for 2018. The bags are packed with all the school essentials.

Early morning Breakfast at Macdonald Kinsale Hotel & Spa. Poached Eggs with Scratch My Pork. Here's to great food.

Its going to be a cold one tonight in Ireland. Keep warm & munch away on a great Irish snack. Keep on Scratching.

Just lying around enjoying a bag of my favourite snack.

High in Protein, Gluten Free, Dairy Free. A snack that has so much to offer. Keep on Scratching.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year from Scratch My Pork. Keep on Scratching into 2018.

Scratch My Pork is hanging around in your local store. Keep on Scratching.


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