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Alouette Language School

, Skerries, Ireland



Alouette Language School Dublin provides French and Spanish classes in Skerries and north county Dublin, for students and adults.

Alouette Language School based in Skerries provides French classes and Spanish classes to Primary School and Secondary School Students and Adults throughout Fingal and North County Dublin.  Private Grinds are available also for both students and business people.  Exam Class Boot Camps, revision courses and Summer Camps combining Language classes and Water activities in French and Spanish.



Summer camps are back! Do you want to improve your French or Spanish while having fun! Our summer camps are mixing language tuition and water activities! This year our camps will take place week 2-6 July 18, 10.00-17.00 for 13-17 years old. Please call us today on 087 3493087 to book a place

Bonne chance à tous nos étudiants qui passent l'Oral de français pour le bac 🤞

Holidays are coming, or just want to learn a bit of Spanish! 6 weeks Adults Spanish classes now starting on Monday 09 April 18, Little theatre, 7-8 pm, 75 euro. To book a place phone today on 087-3493087

No croissant for our French coffee morning today but some lovely crèpes. Remember we are in Café Jacques every Tuesdays 10.30-11.30. A bientôt!

Due to hurricane Ophelia, Skerries Community Centre is closing at 12 pm today so unfortunately tonight Spanish class will have to be postponed.

New term for French and Spanish language with Alouette starting end of September 17 -French/ Spanish Junior Cert/ Leaving Cert, emphasis on oral preparation. Class or grinds available. -French After school Club and Spanish After school Club 4th-6th class, St Patrick Senior School library. -French or Spanish adults beginners class. Conversation meet ups: -Spanish Conversation meet ups, Café Jacques, Mondays, 10.30-11.30 am. -French Conversation meet ups, Café Jacques, Tuesdays, 10.30-11.30 am. (All classes are subject to minimum of participants) For more information or to book a place please phone today on 087 349 3087.

New term for French and Spanish language with Alouette starting end of September 17 -French/ Spanish Junior Cert/ Leaving Cert, emphasis on oral preparation. Class or grinds available. -French After school Club and Spanish After school Club 4th-6th class, St Patrick Senior School library. -French or Spanish adults beginners class. Conversation meet ups: -Spanish Conversation meet ups, Café Jacques, Mondays, 10.30-11.30 am. -French Conversation meet ups, Café Jacques, Tuesdays, 10.30-11.30 am. (All classes are subject to minimum of participants) For more information or to book a place please phone today on 087 349 3087.

Spanish Coffee mornings will resume on Monday 4th of September and French Coffee Mornings on Tuesday 5th of September, Café Jacques, 10.30-11.30 am. All welcome.

Photos from Alouette Language School's post

Here some pictures of our Spanish Summer Camp, not so lucky with the weather but great fun nonetheless!

Photos from Alouette Language School's post

Vivalanga- Language Exchange Community

Photos from Alouette Language School's post

Quelle belle semaine nous avons passée! Merci les filles, vous êtes géniales! What a fun week we had at our French camp. Here a few pictures. Thank you girls, you are great! And Outdoor Dublin and the Skerries Sailing Club! It is not too late if you want to do our Spanish Camp with water activities next week. Just call on 087 3493087!

Photos from Alouette Language School's post

Alouette Language School

Alouette Language School


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