Insurance Loss Assessors and Claims Management Experts. We help you assess your loss and negotiate with your insurers the best compensation for your loss. Independent Claims Assessors
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facebook.comInsurance Claim Solutions Charity Donation 2017 This year instead of sending out Christmas cards, we have decided to make a donation to a very worthwhile charity. We chose the capuchin day centre, a charity based in the inner city of Dublin. They provide food parcels, hot meals, family packs and support to both the homeless and also to families in need of support. We heard their recent Christmas appeal on social media; they were in short supply of a number of vital supplies and were appealing for donations. We were delighted to be able to donate a significant number of these items and hopefully they’ll go some way towards alleviating the pressure off a family for Christmas. The capuchin day centre does Trojan work, providing a lifeline and helping those who are in the greatest need. They are in receipt of very little government funding and rely on donations and fundraising events to provide this critical service. ICS are delighted to be able to make this small gesture and look forward to donating in the future. If you would like to find out more or more importantly, if you can make a small donation follow the link for more details We wish all our customers and friends a very peaceful and safe Christmas
We are on hand 24/7 to take your call and provide full claims management service. Don’t leave your claim to chance, appoint a regulated , professional and experienced claims management company. We are also members of the Irish Claims Consultants Association and registered building surveyors. We’re on your side and will ensure that your claim is handled correctly and that your receive your 100% full entitlement. Call Trevor on 0863571713 for free advice and survey. Here's what to do if your property has been damaged by Storm Ophelia
As Ophelia is the first real hurricane that is going to reach Ireland in the last 50 years, homeowners may not be fully prepared for the potential heavy rainfall and risk of flooding. Make sure that your gutters are clear of debris, there are no loose tiles on the roof and all small items, bikes, kids toys, tools etc. are properly secured or taken indoors. Keep your pets indoors and ensure that all farm animals are protected. Check on your neighbours, especially if they are elderly and make sure that they are safe and secure. Stay away from coastal areas and large trees. Preferably don't drive until the wind dies down The AA recommends that you prepare an emergency home storm kit:: Necessary medication, emergency telephone numbers, a first-aid kit, a torch, water and a camera to photograph any damage. Stay safe...
Extreme weather warning ⚠️ ICS are on hand to help you should you suffer any damage to your home or business and get your property repaired ASAP. If you are affected by storm damage one call to us and we will handle your claim from start to finish and ensure that you receive your 100% full entitlement. ICS offer free advice, a free survey and work exclusively on a no win- no fee basis. Call Trevor 24/7 on 0863571713
Storm Damage? Flood Damage? Need Help With An Insurance Claim? We take care of all the paperwork, eliminate the stress of dealing with the insurers and building contractors, and get full compensation for the loss. dublin and surrounding areas. NO WIN - NO FEE! Call Trevor on 086 357 1713
An interesting case that highlights the benefits of hiring a professional loss assessor to correctly manage your claim. Ics encounter these issues on a daily basis and work hard to protect the homeowners rights and achieve their full entitlements.
A recent fire damage claim currently being managed by Insurance Claim Solutions in South Dublin. The homeowner was asleep in the attic space, a fire broke out in the attic in the early hours and they were very lucky to escape. ICS are currently working very hard to help the homeowner to rebuild and recover, negotiate and finalise the claim.
If you or anyone you know have recently been a victim of a burglary and you need help with an insurance claim, call us. We will be able to help you get a full compensation for your loss. Losses due to burglary are notoriously difficult to handle and manage as its up to the homeowner to prove the loss. Call us for a FREE assessment of your case.
A house fire victim tells why you should appoint a public loss assessor to help you manage an insurance claim.
A recent storm damage claim expertly handle by insurance claim solutions. ICS were appointed to provide full claims management to the Business owner.