Roscommon Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service
Support & Assistance for Individuals & Families Grieving the Death of a Loved One by Suicide.
Contact Sinéad
085 7407856
Service funded by the HSE
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We held a beautiful Remembrance Ceremony in Vita House Family Centre this lunchtime. We'd like to sincerely thank Darragh and Gerard who covered the event for Roscommon Herald, volunteers Monica, Kristina and Dara, supporters Joe and Caroline who provided us with heartfelt music and readings, the staff at Vita House, and most importantly those who remembered their lost loved ones with a ribbon and light on the tree. We hope to make this an annual event, and would welcome any thoughts or input that our supporters have to offer. You can get in touch for a chat, or to receive support around a bereavement at any time by calling 090 6625898.
We're still going ahead with tomorrow's Candle Lighting Ceremony! Due to the treacherous weather we've been experiencing over the weekend, we understand that some people would prefer not to travel, but we would like to assure those who can, that we do intend to stick to our planned ceremony, but we will move it indoors. All the plans are in place, we've moved everything inside, and we look forward to seeing you all to remember your loved ones. If you would like any more information, please call 0906625898. RosFM 94.6 Shannonside FM Regari Recovery College Roscommon People Roscommon Herald Roscommon Page Roscommon GAA
Thanks to Roscommon Page and Shannonside FM for the coverage!
Many thanks to all at RosFM 94.6 for chatting to our Suicide Bereavement Liaison Officer Tiffany yesterday. Listen here for a few words of advice on coping with loss over the Christmas period.
If you have been bereaved by suicide, we invite you to join us for a candle lighting ceremony at our remembrance tree in the gardens of Vita House Family Centre, Abbey Street, Roscommon. Each light will represent a gift in memory of a loved one lost to suicide. The ceremony will be followed by light refreshments in Vita House.
While technology can often be part of the problem, let's embrace the occasional attempt at being part of the solution #MentalHealthWeek2017
Not much to say about this one. Worth a look. #MentalHealthWeek2017
Continuing on our theme of exploring the different facets of #mentalhealth, today we wanted to focus a little on self- care. Read below for some really simple techniques that you can pick and choose from daily. If you have any other techniques that you find useful, please feel free to share them here. #mentalhealthweek2017
Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay2017, and this year's theme is Mental Health in the Workplace. Check out for some information on work life balance and helping yourself within your workplace. If you have any tips or hints you've used to help yourself in the past, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch!
Another useful link on mindfulness for those who are interested here Also, we welcome recent proposals from The Department of Education