Roscommon YOGA & Therapies
Yoga, Meditation, Sports Yoga, Workshops, Massage, Aromatherapy, Energy Healing
Avril has trained with Sri Dharma Mittra in New York and runs classical Hatha Raja classes in her new studio in Roscommon Town. This is Roscommons first yoga studio, a place to find your practice and take it into your everyday life.
Classes run from Monday to Friday. There are a wide range of classes available whatever your level from the very beginner or whatever your injury we can find a class that suits you best.
There is a Strength & Flexibility Program tailored to Athletes and Hot Yoga classes.
Avril also offers 1 to 1 training and is flexible to work around your availability.
The Studio is situated in the centre of town, behind StoneCourt where there is ample free parking, opposite The Melting Pot Cafe. The door is open waiting for you to begin your yoga voyage!
Call Avril on 087 7020562 to book your class today.
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facebook.comCore. Strength. Tone. ....and laughs! Tonight @7pm
"SoHum" Mantra for Unification. We are all the same. All Beings want to be happy and free from suffering. We want food in our belly and love in our heart💛
We had a guest teacher this morning due to a "pain in my tummy" with the biggest smile I've ever seen! Jack, 5 years old instructed his first adult class this morning. "This is Lizard, you put your leg up here and put your elbows on the ground" then he demonstrated Plough Pose and got the class to do it without any complaints 🙂
This Super Blue Moon tried but didn't best us tonight!!! We chanted our way out of the madness and sent a whole lot of peace out to anyone and everyone.....yes that means you!!! Hat on and ready for home💗
...Love, not righteous words, can change people's lives...💗 Sunday vibes in the wilds of Strandhill💙
A big shout out to all the Yogi's who turned up tonight.💛 Two super classes. It's always wonderful to meet complete beginners taking to the mat for their first class, get a great stretch and totally rest and destress in relaxation at the end. And the advanced class, well they did relaxation in headstand!!! Thank you everyone for bringing such great energy. Our silent mantra tonight.... "Forgive everyone everything" ...... no one said it was easy💛
Just taking a few quiet minutes before class this evening. And what an evening for Beginners Yoga & Mindfulness! It was great to see so many new people taking to the mat. Everyone brought along such great energy and enthusiasm.💛 In the Intermediate class we went old skool and held postures longer to build strength, stamina and concentration. Looking forward to tomorrow night to do it all over again!!
Good morning out there!! Just a few moves to get you going this morning and don't forget a few rounds of Mindful Breathing to keep the mind sane!! Have a lovely day💛
**Congratulations Eilish and Glenda Beirne you've got yourself an Unlimited Yoga Class Pass for January** Thank you to everyone for taking part💛 There are 4 Beginners classes every week if you are new to it all & want to add Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation to your week. Monday@6pm Tuesday@10am Wednesday & Thursday @6.30pm. If you would like a little more challenging class- Monday, Core & Tone @7pm Wednesday & Thursday - Intermediate Class@8pm. Call/txt Avril- 087 7020562
***UNLIMITED CLASS PASS FOR JANUARY*** Here we go again!!!!! Just leave a comment, tag a buddy and let's get started!! TIMETABLE: Monday: Beginners @6pm Core & Tone @7pm Tuesday: Beginners @10am Wednesday & Thursday: Beginners@6.30pm Intermediate @8pm **Energy Healing Treatments by Appointment*" SEE YOU TONIGHT!! COMPLETE BEGINNERS always welcome, dont wait!! Gently stretching our mind and body into the new year.😀 Call/txt Avril: 087 7020562
Good morning everyone and a very Happy New Year.💛 Thank God or whoever you believe in that last year has passed and let's look forward to brighter longer days ahead. Look after yourself this year. Whatever the pose, exercise, painting whatever you do, doesn't matter, it's that you're turning up and doing it for yourself. We must stop competing with others because we believe their version of life is better than ours, let's face it we all paint pictures and all have something we're going through! Our goals and achievements are important let's not doubt that but your heart and your head?? Are they not as or more important than a hot ass or chiseled abs? We need to look after our mental and emotional well-being. Parents start teaching your children this valuable lesson. We have countless adults who value success, power, money more important than their heart and then find themselves sad and lonely and don't understand why. For 2018 I wish we all reach our goals and amazing potential. Get on our yoga mat, rock on that spin bike, hit your pb's in your 10k, but let's not forget the most important thing, our mental and emotional well-being. Meditation is the key to it all. It's been around since dot! Well before mats and bikes and running for fun??!! It's real simple....Mindful Breathing: "Breathing In - I am aware of my inhale. Breathing Out - I release stress from my body. Inhale Peace - for myself. Exhale Peace - always for others. Today I am grateful for ............" Do it for yourself every day, you'll feel lighter. Do it. For you. Practice, it's just that, it's not easy. But if you're dedicated to your practice, your practice will be dedicated to you. May 2018 shine it's light on all of us. From my heart to yours, Peace 💛
In a gentle way you can shake the world 💛💛