Gaelscoil de hÍde Ros Comáin
Gaelscoil de hÍde, Roscomáin, was founded in 2000 . Irish is the medium in the school and the means of communication between the teachers and pupils.
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facebook.comBeidh an Ghaelscoil ag oscailt ar an Luan, 2/9/'19 ag a 9 a chlog ar maidin. Gaelscoil reopens Monday 2nd September 9a.m. Naíonáin bheaga go home at 12 noon for the first week. Bainigí taitneamh as an seachtain deireannach de na laethanta saoire!
Cóineartú/ Confirmation date for Roscommon Parish 2020: Saturday 28th March 11 a.m.
Roscommon Gaels
Maith thú Síofra!
Scéal an Lae (Story of the Day) - YouTube
Ná déan dearmad ar an nGaeilge i rith na laethanta saoire! Lovely Irish stories on Youtube!
Bhí bronnadh duaise i nGaelscoil de hÍde inniu. Sa phictiúr feicimid na páistí le lán tinrimh i mbliana. We had prize-giving today. In the picture we see the children awarded for full attendance.
Photos from Gaelscoil de hÍde Ros Comáin's post
Níos mó griangrafanna ó thuras Rang 1/2. More photos Rang 1/2 tour ....
Lecarrow Coding Club, Roscommon
We have learnt so much from Tony in our After-School Coding Club. Míle buíochas Tony.
Photos from Gaelscoil de hÍde Ros Comáin's post
Rang 1/2 ag a dturas scoile inniu. Rang 1/2 enjoying their school tour.
Roscommon Arts Centre
We really enjoyed Luminaria at Roscommon Arts Centre today. A fantastic show!
Photos from Gaelscoil de hÍde Ros Comáin's post
Lá álainn ag Rang 3 in Arigna agus Shannon River Adventure. Rang 3 enjoying their school tour
Photos from Gaelscoil de hÍde Ros Comáin's post
Páistí Rang 6 ag baint taitneamh as rothaíocht. Rang 6 enjoying a Cycling Workshop today with Noel Feeley and Roscommon Sports Partnership.