Joseph Pilates wanted his exercise to be accessable to everyone and through matwork classes and machine based work it is." In 10 sessions feel the difference, in 20 see the difference and in 30 have a whole new body" J.H. Pilates
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Congratulations to Tracey and Jay on the birth of their beautiful bouncing baby girl Zoe who weighed in at a whopping 9lb 10oz on Tuesday 😘😘
Well I have finally moved everything out of the Studio (well almost). Exhausted and emotional. It's the end of one phase and hopefully the start of a new one. Onwards and upwards😊😊
Well it's the end of an era. Which has seen me run a Pilates studio, tutor on the Progressive Pilates teaching courses, write and present Pilates workshops, and be directly responsible for passing my passion for Pilates on to Clients, some of whom have changed their careers to teaching Pilates as a result. Aideen Kellett, Lynsey Sharp, Lara Mc Morrough and Tracey Farrell to name but a few. It's been a journey and one, despite closing the studio, I will continue with the same passion and enthusiasm I have always had for this amazing exercise system. From Tuesday June 7th, I will join Suzanne Quinn in the Yoga Lounge to teach a mixed level class from 6Pm to 7pm. I will also teach a Tuesday morning 10am class in River Hollistic and of course my usual Monday slots of 6.15pm, 7.10pm and 8.10pm in Bodyfirm Studios. I have enjoyed every second of the time I have spent with Clients. I've gained my “nudder Mother” Hanna O’Donaghue who I want to be when I grow up. I've made too many friends to name them all. Some I may not see as much but I still count them among my friends. They have seen me through some of the most important times in my life and for that I'm forever grateful. We’ll have our legendary nights out still. I'm looking forward to what doors open next and I'm ready for the challenge. Yours in forever friendship 😊 Mad xx
No class tonight guys. Last classes in Core Pilates are Tues 10am, Wed 10am and 6.30pm Tues. After that our doors are closed.
Awesome T-Shirts
Is it too late now?
**NOTICE** Ladies there will be no 6.30pm class this evening as Tracey's baby is sitting in a bad position and causing her pain. Please feel free to make up the class on Tues at 6.30 if that suits. Apologies for any inconvenience caused 😊
Well we dashing towards finish line at the speed of light. For those who paid for a 4 week course, this is your last week. For those who pay by the month, next week is yours. There will still be a Tues morning at 10am class with me going forward for those who are interested, and Lara will continue the Wed at 10am. So it's not goodbye completely :-)
Photos from Core Pilates's post
Check out Shane Quinn. A serious skate boarder who was having back and hip issues. We've done a few sessions together and he's in peak condition for his skate boarding trip to Barcelona. He works hard and has seen the massive benefits. 😊
Tony Jeffries
**NOTICE** Ladies for this course the 6pm class on Wed is cancelled and the pre natal will remain at the 7pm slot. Please share this so it gets to everyone. Sorry for inconvenience 😊😊
Timeline Photos
Ok I think it's time we thought about the farewell party what dya think?? A byob studio night with food brought in or a full on Mulinos night?? The decision is yours🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾
Don't forget little Mamas to be, new pre natal course starting this evening at 7pm. We'd love to see you 😊xx