Here at Ploughman we will help you create content, professionally edit and publish your material - from a flier or CV to a full thesis or book.
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It's time to address the "I can't write" myth. It's a myth. It's victim-mentality wrapped up in cop-out. We buy into it, perhaps through bad experiences at school, where someone in pain stepped on us or put us down. And yes, sadly, often that was a teacher. Maybe we're afraid. Maybe it makes us feel uncomfortable to put ourselves out there. To be vulnerable. Because it might happen again. Have you noticed that it's been quite a few years, for most of us, since those things happened? That now we are lucky to have encouragement and love from people around us? But we still act as if we're back in that classroom, back in the home situation. Still using the same old survival strategy. But that's the gig. Here we are. In a body. To have the human experience, the full roller-coaster ride. Christ, how much more alive do I feel when I'm letting people see my vulnerability, when I'm feeling my edge, my fear, and doing it anyway? Helen Keller was deaf and blind. She managed, through the grace of God, a good teacher and sheer bloody determination, to learn to communicate. She did a degree and wrote many books and made many speeches. Most of the rest of us use words in speech or writing all the time, very effectively, to navigate our lives. We're not chefs, but we cook pretty well. We're not horticulturalists, but we love pottering in the garden. If we only allow ourselves or others to do something when we feel 'good' at it, what's going to happen? So come on, who's up for taking a risk? Not for me. For you. For your kids, or the people around you. Because when you break through the invisible and illusory chains that keep you from growing, you give everyone around you permission and encouragement to do so too. Every chain we break, we break for all our people. Our ancestors, who never got our chances, cheer us on. The unborn generations yet to come smile as we expand their horizons. I don't care if you don't write a novel, if that doesn't get you hot under the collar. Or if you don't draw, or sing, or play, or love, or speak, or tell dirty jokes, or kick through the leaves on a sunny autumn day. But don't tell yourself you can't. Maybe you can. If you let yourself. Your choice.
Website live. Still under construction, but taking shape.... Check it out!
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New logo for the company - looking hot! Very grateful to your expertise and patience, Philip Lindey - artist extraordinaire.
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PLOUGHMAN Publishing invites submissions of new writing in any genre, for its new bi-monthly e-magazine of writing talent. DO YOU have a story, a poem, an article, a speech, something that you wrote, that you would like to share with others? Would you like to see it in print, digital and/or paper? Or is there someone in your family or friendship circle that writes beautifully, and you'd like to see them in print? You don't have to be a writer. You don't have to think you are good. You just need the courage to do something different. Call Cianán on 085 720 6744 for more information, or send your submissions to The closing date for submissions is 30th October 2016. The first issue will appear at the end of November 2016 for general circulation. There will be a prize for the best contribution of the year, from the six issues up to next October 2017. Go on. Put yourself out there.
Galway International Peace Day
Creative Writing For All
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We'll be sharing our passion for language with you by running a few courses over the next wee while, from the fabulous centre here in Oranmore, Galway. Firstly, an eight-week course to Improve Your Written English Skills, starting Weds. 25th May, 6-730pm, 50 euros for the course. Secondly, a six-week Creative Writing course to get your literary juices flowing, starting Thursday 2nd June, 6-730pm, 40 euro for the course. Open to all ages and abilities. Call or PM us for more details....
Website under construction folks, watch this space...
Very excited to say the least. New office. Swanky desk. Two book-writing projects underway and going swimmingly. Busier than ever and loving it. Bring it on.
Hello everyone; I'll be using this page as a blog for the new business. It's called Ploughman. We can write, edit and publish anything. I'll be sharing ideas and updates as they come. Wish us luck!