Find it hard to fit fitness into your daily routine? If so why not bring baby along and get fit with other Mums and bubs! Run by Dad to Isla Ken
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facebook.comHey Mammies so here we are again?! The final run into Xmas. Only 5 weeks of training left. So let’s make this term count. So we can all switch off and enjoy the festivities. New term kicking off next Tuesday 1030. A total of 10 sessions left till we finish on the 21st December till the new year. 60 per term. Also we will be booking our annual Xmas lunch this week so I will keeping you all informed on dates a time.
To all our WheelieFit Mammies. You are amazing👩👧👦👍
See you all tomorrow Bohermeen Mammies. 1030. Ken
Happy Halloween from all the WheelieFit Mammies👻🎃😈
Hey Mammies see you all Tuesday 1030 am for class. Then our Halloween party afterwards. 11-15am. Dress up of course. No Bohermeen class tomorrow due to bank holiday. More than welcome to come to Navan’s Mammies n babies! Spread the word?!
Fact of the day!! Did you know babies smile at least 300 times a day. And the average adult smiles a mediocre 17 times! So what's that say about us? We take life way to seriously. Come smile with us at our classes and enjoy the feeling💪👍
A lovely start to our Bohermeen WheelieFit Mammies. Fit fitness into your busy day and join an amazing bunch of mammies.
Hey WheelieFit mammies it's that time again. Our Annual Halloween party. 31 st of October the class be on at 10 am so we can have our party at 1045 after we train. Prize for the best dressed. Dress our babies up and embarrass them when their 18?! Mammies expected to dress up too. Food and drinks supplied.
Goodmorning WheelieFit mammies of Bohermeen. Class will be unfortunately cancelled today due to crèches and schools closed. Better to be safe with our lil ones at home. More than welcome to attend our navan Mammies n babies tomorrow.
See you all next week WheelieFit Mammies. New term New you🙏🏻 And we certainly won't let a Lil Gail stopping us from training! #SuperMammies
Hey mammies we have a winner. Barbara Sweeney💪👍 Congratulations.