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Mountmellick Methodist

Parnell Street, Mountmellick, Ireland
Religious Organization



Mountmellick Methodist Church is a Christian church offering fellowship and sharing God's love Our church has been in Mountmellick since the 1800's (which some refurbishment along the way!).  We hold weekly services at 7pm which includes Holy Communion (1st Sunday) and Sunday School (4th Sunday) and is open to all who wish to come for fellowship with others who love God.

The building is also used by community groups such as Beavers and Yarnbombers during the week.

Our church is a community of people who are drawn together by God's love as they know it, expressed in the story of Jesus - his birth and life, teaching, suffering, death and resurrection.

We seek to follow the way of Jesus and live to share God's love through action and word in the world.  Because this experience of Jesus Christ has so shaped our lives, we invite others to share in the love, life and hope that is freely given to us.


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Sunday school is on in both Portlaoise at 10 a.m. and Mountmellick at 7 p.m. this Sunday so please don't let the little ones stop you from coming to worship with us :)

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The topic of yesterday's services :)

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Irish Methodist Youth & Children's Department

Irish Methodist Youth & Children's Department

Photos from Mountmellick Methodist's post

J.A.M. and C.H.A.O.S. return this Saturday at 3 pm and 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. €2 each.

Photos from Mountmellick Methodist's post

Jerusalem Prayer Team

Good advice :)

Jerusalem Prayer Team

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And if you don't know where to start why not pop down Sunday 7pm and chat to some of our church family :)

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Mountmellick Methodist's cover photo

Mountmellick Methodist's cover photo

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All we have to do is trust in God and He will lead us. Happy New Year to all. This Sunday Portlaoise 10 a.m. and Athy 11.45 a.m. led by Rev. Des Bain will celebrate our Covenant Service where we dedicate ourselves anew for the coming year. Mountmellick at 7 p.m. will be led by Ruth Mathews and will be a heralding in of the New Year with Praise. Please do come and join us.

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Mountmellick Methodist's cover photo

Mountmellick Methodist's cover photo

Lovely evening Carol singing in the hospital in Mountmellick :) Wishing everyone a safe week as it gets busy on the roads and everywhere. Have a happy Christmas and let's not forget why we come together at this time of year ... thank you Jesus for coming to earth as a baby so that you could die for each and every one of us. Happy Christmas everyone x
