Clan Search
Seamus Fox ; Genealogical Search Evaluation
Name of Irish ancestor, with date and place of birth
Names of ancestor's parents, if known
Religion of ancestor
Name of ancestor's spouse and date and place of marriage
Names of ancestor's children, in order of birth if possible
Approximate year of ancestor's departure from Ireland
Date and place of ancestor's death
Any other relevant information
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Offer a 2 hour tutorial as a Christmas gift to a loved one on Family Tree tracing to a solve family mystery. Acquire many tips from Clan Search how to demolish brick walls to find your bloodlines and cherish the knowledge gained. Contact 087.3589734 See Clan Search Facebook page
Photos from Clan Search's post
Roots Guide Tuition ' Need help to Trace Family Trees @ Aimerslei De Bhosc Mitchelstown Monday to Friday 9 am- 6 pm by Appointment. Natural calling to find your Kin. Book 087.3589734.
Photos from Clan Search's post
How To Do Trace Family Trees / grow your Genealogy skills for Beginners Genealogy course over 8 nights will be conducted in Fermoy Education centre starting October 10 th 7.30pm -9.30 pm .Register October 3rd 7 - 8 pm Contact 0873589734 .Focus on specific genealogical sources suitable to do research Family histories including online sources. This class is not about how to organize pieces of paper--instead it is about ways to organize information in order to notice patterns, inconsistencies, and overlooked clues. How to analyze pre-1901 census information. Provides an overview of property and lease records, search procedures, and search methodologies .Find heirs, emigrants, homesteads / cemeteries , DNA testing. Reverse Genealogy - Finding current relatives to relatives of long gone emigrant ancestors, Multiple Tips including avoiding common mistakes. How to arrange Clan Gatherings Course Content: Break down of what students can expect to learn each night? Students will be guided to search online via the computers provided on different websites each night as well receiving tips how to speed up research and network with others doing similar research. Duration: 8 weeks, beginning MONDAY October 10 2016 at Fermoy Education Centre , Registration Night Monday OCTOBER 3rd 7 pm - 8 pm . Class to run each night 7:30pm – 9:30pm Tutor:: Seamus Fox, Clan Search 086.3589734
How To Do Trace Family Trees / grow your Genealogy skills for Beginners Genealogy course over 8 nights will be conducted in Fermoy Education centre starting October 10 th 7.30pm -9.30 pm .Register October 3rd 7 - 8 pm Contact 0873589734 .Focus on specific genealogical sources suitable to do research Family histories including online sources. This class is not about how to organize pieces of paper--instead it is about ways to organize information in order to notice patterns, inconsistencies, and overlooked clues. How to analyze pre-1901 census information. Provides an overview of property and lease records, search procedures, and search methodologies .Find heirs, emigrants, homesteads / cemeteries , DNA testing. Reverse Genealogy - Finding current relatives to relatives of long gone emigrant ancestors, Multiple Tips including avoiding common mistakes. How to arrange Clan Gatherings Course Content: Break down of what students can expect to learn each night? Students will be guided to search online via the computers provided on different websites each night as well receiving tips how to speed up research and network with others doing similar research. Duration: 8 weeks, beginning MONDAY October 10 2016 at Fermoy Education Centre , Registration Night Monday OCTOBER 3rd 7 pm - 8 pm . Class to run each night 7:30pm – 9:30pm Tutor:: Seamus Fox, Clan Search 086.3589734
Timeline Photos
Genealogy Classes How To Do Genealogy / Family Trees / grow your skills for Beginners Genealogy course over 8 nights will be conducted in Fermoy Education centre starting October 10 th 7.30pm -9.30 pm .Registration Octoyber 3rd 7 - 8 pm Contact 087.3589734 for details.Focus on specific genealogical sources suitable to do research Family histories including online sources. This class is not about how to organize pieces of paper--instead it is about ways to organize information in order to notice patterns, inconsistencies, and overlooked clues. How to analyze pre-1901 census information. Provides an overview of property and lease records, search procedures, and search methodologies .Find heirs, emigrants, homesteads / cemeteries , DNA testing. Reverse Genealogy - Finding current relatives to relatives of long gone emigrant ancestors, Multiple Tips including avoiding common mistakes. How to arrange Clan Gatherings Course Content: Break down of what students can expect to learn each night? Students will be guided to search online via the computers provided on different websites each night as well receiving tips how to speed up research and network with others doing similar research. Course Duration: 8 weeks, beginning on the MONDAY October 10 2016 at Fermoy Education Centre , Registration Night Monday OCTOBER 3rd 7.30 pm -9 pm . Class to run each night 7:30pm – 9:30pm Tutor:: Seamus Fox, Clan Search 086.3589734
Photos from Clan Search's post
DO YOU WANT TO LEARN TO HOW TO DO FAMILY HISTORY Genealogy course over 8 nights will be conducted in Fermoy Education centre starting October 10 th 7.30pm -9.30 pm .Registration October 3rd 7 - 8 pm Contact 087.3589734 for details.
Photos from Clan Search's post
Open INVITE to Mitchelstown's Heritage Day Saturday August 20 as part of Ballyhoura Walking Festival from Mitchelstown Library venue. HURLING HEROES TALK: 11am Hear about the game warriors like Christy Ring, Austin Gleeson, Mick Mackey, Jimmy Doyle, Nicky English, Declan Browne, Ned Power, JBM, Babs, DJ. JJ, John Doyle, Nicky Rackard, Tony Doran, Martin Morrissey, Tony Browne, Tom Cheasty, Ken McGrath, Jamesy Kelleher, Joe Canning, King Henry, Micheal O'Hehir, Jamesy O’Connor, Effin Eddie and many more. . BALLYHOURA FESTIVAL WALK Festival Walk Registration in Library at 11 am. It is a guided town walk with a Cultural theme visiting O'Connell GAA Park. Coop, Free Masons, Skittles Park, John Mandeville, Timepiece, Kingston College Croquet, Ice House, St. Fanahan's well. GENEALOGY TALK: Tracing Family by clan search at 2 pm in the library on "How to trace ancestors near and far. Why not find living relatives for our emigrant past. Seek extra info on your kin.uhhh
Photos from Clan Search's post
Mitchelstown's Heritage Day Saturday August 20 as part of Ballyhoura Walking Festival eminating from Mitchelstown Library venue. HURLING HEROES TALK: 11am Hear about the game warriors like Christy Ring, Austin Gleeson, Mick Mackey, Jimmy Doyle, Nicky English, Declan Browne, Ned Power, JBM, Babs, DJ. JJ, John Doyle, Nicky Rackard, Tony Doran, Martin Morrissey, Tony Browne, Tom Cheasty, Ken McGrath, Jamesy Kelleher, Joe Canning, King Henry, Jap Ryan, Micheal O'Hehir, Jamesy O’Connor, Johnny Callinan, Effin Eddie and many more. . BALLYHOURA FESTIVAL WALK Festival Walk Registration in Library at 11 am. It is a guided town walk with a Cultural theme visiting O'Connell GAA Park. Coop, Free Masons, Skittles Park, John Mandeville, Timepiece, Kingston College Croquet, Ice House, St. Fanahan's well. GENEALOGY TALK: Tracing Family by clan search at 2 pm in the library on "How to trace ancestors near and far. Why not find living relatives for our past emigrants. Seek extra info on your kin.
Clan Search helps individuals and families preserve their #legacyfamily history through our private #archive platform. Together, we make #history
Photos from Clan Search's post
MITCHELSTOWN HERITAGE DAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 20 - Mitchelstown Library HURLING HEROES TALK: 11am BALLYHOURA FESTIVAL WALK START from Library@ 11.30 am Gaa Pitch, Ice House, St. Fanahans Well, Kingston College Finish at 1.30 pm GENEALOGY TALK: Tracing Family CLAN SEARCH @ 2 pm
Timeline Photos
Knowing who you are and where you come from is something Clan Search feel everyone should get excited about. They want you to search for your Irish roots in the most memorable way you can. After visiting you will have learnt something new about your Irish Ancestors and did so in a new and exhilarating way.
Photos from Clan Search's post
Heritage Week Talk / Walk / Talk On Saturday August 20 - Talk at Mitchelstown Library 11 am on GAA culture & Hurling Heroes with Ballyhoura festival walk start at 11.30 am via Gaa Grounds and Ice house and St. Fanahans Well. Finish at 1.30 pm followed by Genealogy Talk " How to trace family HISTORY" by Clan Search at library 2 pm