L.C.A mini company
we are a group of lca students in st colmans colege midleton we are selling hoodies and t-shirts the approx price is 25 euro per hoodie and 15 t-shirts
Tell your friends
facebook.comwe our no longer selling our product but if you would like to purchase a hoodie go onto t-leine.ie
We will be holding a shop at both breaks on Thursday the 11th of February Friday is your last chance to purchase one of our Hoodies we will be around to classes or you can come find any of our team to buy a hoodie thanks ~ Erin ~
Hoodies will not be on sale from not tomorrow but next friday ~erin~
Hoodies are officially on sale from today limited stock once the hoodies are gone their gone
We have the prices T-shirts = €5.00 Hoodies = €25.00 ~ Erin ~
I hope you all like this mini company all 8 of us put a lot of work into this ~kelly~
Photos from L.C.A mini company's post
Hey everyone here are the hoodies we will be selling for €25 if you would like to buy one please just pm of call thanks ~Kelly~