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Lifestyle Financial Planners

Upper Connolly Street, Ballina, Mayo, Ireland



LFP helps successful self-employed professionals and company directors to ease the stress of managing money achieve financial peace of mind for the future. Lifestyle Financial Planners helps successful self-employed professionals and company directors to ease the complexity and stress of managing money, set realistic financial goals, and achieve financial peace of mind through the creation of a bespoke, realistic and comprehensive Financial Plan.


Blog - Lifestyle Financial Planners

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:The 30-day countdown clock is ticking... Finance Act 2016 - Important changes to PRSAs and RACs at age 75. I can advise that the Finance Act 2016 was signed by the President on 25 December 2016. This means that the 30-day countdown clock has already started ticking for any policyholders who were over 75 on 25 December. As of today, there are only 18 days left to return the completed. Pension Claim form/BCE Declaration to avoid a 40% Chargeable Excess Tax. For further details please click the link below.

Pension Calculator - Lifestyle Financial Planners

Try our pension calculator here at Lifestyle Financial Planners to gain a quick look into how your financial future will look. If you think you could do with some no obligation advise about it, click learn more to contact us.

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Lifestyle Financial Planners - Lifestyle Financial Planners

Certified Financial Planner CFP® is the world’s most widely respected Financial Planning designation. Lifestyle Financial Planners are “THE ONLY INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS IN MAYO” and one of a very small number of such professionals operating in the West of Ireland….please click on the link below to read what our long standing clients have been saying about us here at Lifestyle Financial Planners & Ballina Chamber of Commerce & Ballina Chamber of Commerce

The Financial Lives of our Clients - Lifestyle Financial Planners

I have written a blog post about the financial lives of our clients and how the challenges they face change radically throughout their lives Certified Financial Planner

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Hi I'm Paul and this is my company Lifestyle Financial Planners. The best way for me to describe Financial Planning is for you to imagine being placed in a time machine and shown what your financial future is going to look like and then, if you don't like what you see, we bring you back in time to do something about it-now imagine if that could really be done? Well, here at Lifestyle Financial Planners, that's exactly what we do! We don't have an actual time machine but we do use state of the art Financial Planning software to help you look at how your financial future is going to pan out. Click below to learn more about how LFP can offer you more financial peace of mind or simply send us a message with any queries you have.

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